Portfolio 3 -- Jerz: EL150 (Intro to Literary Study)
Blog Portfolio 3 - Final
This blog portfolio contains all of the blogs that I have composed since the last portfolio (Checkpoint and #2 Portfolio). This blog portfolio contains many sections which include coverage, depth, interaction, discussions, timeliness, xenoblogging, and wildcard.
Coverage: (This section contains all of the assigned agenda items since the last blog portfolio)
~ O'Connor - The Displaced Person - I seen it coming!
~ Shakespeare - Acts 1,2 - What bad daughters!
~ Shakespeare - Acts 3-5 - Such as tragic ending...
~ Zunder, "Shakespeare and the End of Feudalism..." - What happens when good is gone!?
~ Kennedy - Shakespeare's King Lear - Religion and Literature
~ Card, Ender's Game Ch. 1-6 - Ender and Brain Man? - Might want to read this
~ Card, Ender's Game - Finish - Religion and Islam
Depth: (This section includes the agenda items that prompted great discussion and went in depth with the reading)
Interaction: (This section contains comments that helped facilitate or promote classroom discussion)
~ What happens when good is gone
Discussions: (This section contains blog entries that started classroom discussion)
~What happens when good is gone
~ Ender and Brain Man? - Might want to read this!
Timeliness: (This section contains blogs that were written early enough to spark a good online discussion.)
~ What happens when good is gone!?
~ Ender and Brain Man? - Might want to read this
Xenoblogging: (This section contains comments that I was first to leave on fellow classmates)
~ Bethany Merryman - Cultures
~ Bethany Merryman - Sweet yet tart
~ Maggie Jones - Endings and Beginings
Blog Entry: What bad daughters
The reason why I chose this blog entry is because it promoted great discussion in about six hours. This blog entry was from the reading of King Lear in which many of the students really liked, but I talked about the daughters and many of the classmates thought that the daughters were interesting.
Additional Blog Entries: (Reflection papers for all blog entries contained in this portfolio)
~ O'Connor - The Displaced Person - "Equal Opportunity"
~ King Lear - Acts 1 and 2 - Family Trouble
~ King Lear - Acts 3-5 - Death without closure
~ Zunder - Shakespeare and the end of Feudalism... - New Generation and World Order
~ Kennedy's, Shakespeare's King Lear - A connection with Religion
~ Card, Ender's Game, Ch. 1-6 - Mastermind's and the Future of Tomorrow
~ Card, Ender's Game, Finish - The Trilogy of Star Wars and the Game
*This Blog Portfolio completes my blog entries for the spring semster of EL 150. I have learned a lot of information about blogging and how important it can be when having discussions or finding different insights within literature.
Additional Blog Entry:
WIT - http://blogs.setonhill.edu/DerekTickle/2007/05/medical_field_and_the_law_hipa.html
WIT Reflection Paper - http://blogs.setonhill.edu/DerekTickle/2007/05/reflection_paper_silence_and_o.html