Portfolio 2
Societal Value of News-an entry that discusses the location of a news story compared to the size of a community.
Depth and Style vs. Actual News-this entry involves a comparison of two news stories. Does depth and style really have an effect on the actual story?
Sample Spot News-Reporting on a "Greater Scope"-an entry that compares stories that focus on "the bigger issue," but sometimes "the bigger issue" can end up on a smaller scale.
"We Are Not Amused," But Are We?-is the death of a dog amusing? This blog discusses the circumstances in which an incident like this could actually be found amusing.
Some News Stories are all about Pictures-Don't you feel like a 6-year-old (correct APA style) when all you look for is the newspaper with the most interesting pictures? This blogs explains the importance of pictures in the news.
Societal Value of News-I took the topic of this blog and researched it. I linked it to a website that helped to prove the argument in my blog.
Sample Spot News-Reporting on a "Greater Scope"-I feel that I took the topic of this blog and explained my opinion of it to my best ability. This blog also sparked three comments, so I feel that it did bring up a point that other people were able to relate to.
"We Are Not Amused," But Are We?-I disagreed with the author of "The Associated Press Guide to Newswriting" in this blog. I feel that by disagreeing I have brought up a point that not only challenges his book, but also challenges newswriting as a whole.
Interaction/ Discussions:
Sample Spot News-Reporting on a "Greater Scope"-this blog started an interesting discussion in which the people commenting on it actually agreed to its content, for the most part.
Timeliness: The blogs that were submitted on time and ready for some comments.
Sample Spot News-Reporting on a "Greater Scope"
"We Are Not Amused," But Are We?
Some News Stories are all about Pictures
Xenoblogging: These are other people's blogs in which I have intellectually commented on and attempted to start discussion.
Ingestion of expired banana pudding causes rapidly escalating liberalism in children under seven-Mike Poiarkoff
Red Tape-Katie Vann
The Art of the Crime Report-Andrew Wichrowski
Story Leads The Body!-Wendy Scott
A Blunt News Article-Derek Tickle
Tone, minus the opinions-Kaitlin Monier
"We Are Not Amused," But Are We?-Even though I received zero comments on this blog, I feel that it was the most important one that I have written. It takes a serious subject, which should actually be funny, and turns it into a somewhat humorous situation. By disagreeing with the author, I have started a debate with newswriting as a whole.
blogrollOctober 2009
Portfolio 2
Coverage: Here is the second list of blogs that I have posted at this time in the semester.
Gender Confusion?-In the parody "Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet)," by Ann-Marie MacDonald, readers discover that there can be so many ways to interpret some of Shakespeare's greatest works. I have tried to relate to Ann-Marie MacDonald in comparing her parody to everyday gender confusion.
I Think You Just Ruined My Childhood-This blog is my reaction to the realization of the violence behind the "making" of a Disney movie.
Quit Our Books?-In this blog, I discuss the possible effect the poem, "The Tables Turned" by William Wordsworth, could have on an English major. Is it positive or negative, or just plain fun?
Have you ever been to a desert in the winter?-This blog covered my reaction to a poem by Robert Frost. The poem, "Desert Places," along with comments from others, opened my eyes to a new way of thinking.
Why would I want to cause a problem about a problem?-This blog discusses Chapter 12 in the book "Writing About Literature." It explains how causing a problem for yourself can actually be helpful when writing an essay.
Sometimes an Introduction is More than just an Introduction-In this entry, I have talked about the introduction, or the first third, of the book "The Quick and the Dead." The blog discusses a certain character's importance in the book.
Names Can Have Unseen Meanings-This entry talks about the significance of a name. A name can be something other than what you call a person.
Review of a Review of a Review?-In this blog I have analyzed a review of the book "Nineteen Minutes," by Jodi Picoult.
Depth: The entries in which I feel that I have made valiant effort.
Gender Confusion?-By relating "Goodnight Desdemona (Good morning Juliet)" to everyday society, I believe that I have helped myself to better understand Shakespeare's work. Having already read the plays that were parodied, I was able to understand the humor Ann-Marie MacDonald used.
I Think You Just Ruined My Childhood-I feel that this response to a class discussion was very in depth and appropriate for the class topic. It sparked a few comments as well as a discussion in the next class.
Quit Our Books?-I think that even though this blog did not get any comments, it still related to a bigger issue.
Have you ever been to a desert in the winter?-This blog went in depth into my feelings on a certain poem. However, I was able to see a bigger picture with the comments in which I received on this blog. Comments were given on facebook as well as the blog.
Why would I want to cause a problem about a problem?-The fact that I did not post the link to this blog on the course website could have been the reason that I did not receive any comments on this. Whoops, but I do feel that I have asked a few questions that could spark a discussion. I feel that I have challenged the author's view.
Review of a Review of a Review?-This is one of the longer blogs that I have written. I feel that this blog really challenges the writer of the review that I read. I also noticed that another person in my class had read a review by the same person. This shows me that I have challenged the views of an established (maybe I am not for sure) book reviewer. I am not claiming that my views are correct, but I understand where the reviewer could have gone wrong in her review.
Quit Your Books and Grab Your Hippi Skirts-by Carissa Altizer
Places You Will Never Forget-by Gladys Mares
Afflicted with the Frost-by Josie Rush
Once upon a midnight dreary-by Aja Hannah
Not a New Problem-Gladys Mares
Words You NEVER Hear in Arizona Bars-by David Wilbanks
Everyone is Crazy-by Gladys Mares
Umm...I think you know! ;)-by Shellie Polly
Timeliness: These are the blogs that I have posted in a timely fashion.
I Think You Just Ruined My Childhood
Have you ever been to a desert in the winter?
Why would I want to cause a problem about a problem?
Names Can Have Unseen Meanings
Review of a Review of a Review?
Names Can Have Unseen Meanings-This introduced other students to a subject about names and their true meanings.
Have you ever been to a desert in the winter?-After reading the comments on this blog, I was given a new understanding of what a desert actually is.
I Think You Just Ruined My Childhood-by relating this blog to a class discussion, I was able to spark a few comments that agreed with my point as well as disagreed with it.
Review of a Review of a Review?-I enjoyed reading this review, and I feel that I have evaluated it very well. I wish that I had posted the link on the course website so that I would have been given some feedback on my evaluation, but I believe that this blog will be helpful regardless.
Editorial Drama
This statement, given by Dr. Jerz, about an editorial helps make the point that even though they are important in newswriting, they are still only an opinion. Editorials are given negative connotations because they are associated with a complaint. Although, the complaint is justified by sources and facts. However, an editorial should not "list complaints" or attack, it should be thoroughly researched and given a single focus.
I have not ever really given credit to editorials. They are not something that I would pay attention to in a newspaper. Truthfully, this is the first time that I have ever read one. I have always just made my own opinion of things and not ever really cared about others. However, a good editorial can give me an educated point of view.
Greta has given us an easy way of relating to editorials with her chart of the similarities between an academic essay and an editorial. By finding the simalarities between an editorial and an academic essay, it could help writers to stay focused on their research rather than their complaint.
Review of a Review of a Review?
When finding a review of a book, no not a review, I found it difficult to find one that was actually credible. I found a few that made no sense whatsoever, and I found a few that completely criticized every aspect of the book, defeating the whole purpose of a review. Anyways, I finally found one that would help me to write my very own book review.
"After the Shooting is Over" is a review of "Nineteen Minutes" by Jodi Picoult, written by Janet Maslin (as if reviewing a review wasn't confusing enough). Maslin first introduces the plot of the story, which is a school shooting. A school shooting is a very appealing topic, but Maslin is able to make it even more appealing to the readers of her review by using a quote relating to the title of the book as well as a question that helps readers to understand the focus of her review.
The only issue that I can really find with Janet Maslin's review is that it is more of a summary rather than a review. She allows readers to see that they can easily relate to the book, but she does not provide them with much insight as to why they should read the book.
Towards the end of her review, she sums up the themes in many of Jodi Picoult's books. By doing this, she is allowing readers to see that Jodi Picoult has a constant writing style. Maslin states, "Her stories are more reassuring than disturbing, and their surprise twists pose no threats." Now that Maslin has let readers know the non-threatening tone of "all" of Jodi Picoult's books, do we really want to read them to find out the happy ending. Maslin has finally given us some sort of look into the actual books, but I would rather know her exact feelings on "Nineteen Minutes" rather than Picoult's books as a whole.
Realistically, I cannot criticize another's book review because I have been having an extremely difficult time writing my own. Even though I understand and know what I am discussing as I am writing my book review, I do not think that I am the person that people should go to for a book review. Like Maslin, I am more apt to give a summary rather than an opinion. Being positively opinionated and insightful at the same time can prove to be extremely difficult.
Portfolio 2
Societal Value of News-an entry that discusses the location of a news story compared to the size of a community.
Depth and Style vs. Actual News-this entry involves a comparison of two news stories. Does depth and style really have an effect on the actual story?
Sample Spot News-Reporting on a "Greater Scope"-an entry that compares stories that focus on "the bigger issue," but sometimes "the bigger issue" can end up on a smaller scale.
"We Are Not Amused," But Are We?-is the death of a dog amusing? This blog discusses the circumstances in which an incident like this could actually be found amusing.
Some News Stories are all about Pictures-Don't you feel like a 6-year-old (correct APA style) when all you look for is the newspaper with the most interesting pictures? This blogs explains the importance of pictures in the news.
Societal Value of News-I took the topic of this blog and researched it. I linked it to a website that helped to prove the argument in my blog.
Sample Spot News-Reporting on a "Greater Scope"-I feel that I took the topic of this blog and explained my opinion of it to my best ability. This blog also sparked three comments, so I feel that it did bring up a point that other people were able to relate to.
"We Are Not Amused," But Are We?-I disagreed with the author of "The Associated Press Guide to Newswriting" in this blog. I feel that by disagreeing I have brought up a point that not only challenges his book, but also challenges newswriting as a whole.
Interaction/ Discussions:
Sample Spot News-Reporting on a "Greater Scope"-this blog started an interesting discussion in which the people commenting on it actually agreed to its content, for the most part.
Timeliness: The blogs that were submitted on time and ready for some comments.
Sample Spot News-Reporting on a "Greater Scope"
"We Are Not Amused," But Are We?
Some News Stories are all about Pictures
Xenoblogging: These are other people's blogs in which I have intellectually commented on and attempted to start discussion.
Ingestion of expired banana pudding causes rapidly escalating liberalism in children under seven-Mike Poiarkoff
Red Tape-Katie Vann
The Art of the Crime Report-Andrew Wichrowski
Story Leads The Body!-Wendy Scott
A Blunt News Article-Derek Tickle
Tone, minus the opinions-Kaitlin Monier
"We Are Not Amused," But Are We?-Even though I received zero comments on this blog, I feel that it was the most important one that I have written. It takes a serious subject, which should actually be funny, and turns it into a somewhat humorous situation. By disagreeing with the author, I have started a debate with newswriting as a whole.
Names Can Have Unseen Meanings
In "The Quick and the Dead," Joy Williams writes, "It was supposed to be a dangerous occupation, and here he was fiddling around with kiddie books. The nameplate above his pocket read 'Darling.'" This observation is alluding to the fact that someone's name can actually be used to interpret their personality. The character, Ray, makes the assumption that just because the ranger's name is "Darling" and he is reading kiddie books, that being a ranger is no longer "dangerous."
Due to the standards in society, the author is able to write something like this and receive a reaction from it. It helps readers to relate to the book. However, Ray is a very odd character to relate to.
Sometimes an Introduction is More than just an Introduction
Why would I want to cause a problem about a problem?
In Chapter 12 of "Writing About Literature," by Edgar V. Roberts, it discusses problems. Roberts claims that, "A problem is any question that you cannot answer easily and correctly about a body of material that you know." I agree with Roberts that this is a problem, but it is difficult for me to understand how and why I would cause a problem like this for myself.
Well, Roberts answers this question for me in the next section. I would cause this "problem" so that I can develop and essay about it. It is difficult for me to actually find something in a "body of material" that I can't answer on my own. It is not that I think that I know everything, but I find it hard to "think outside of the box." Therefore, my true problem is discovering the "problem" in the first place. Roberts gives a few examples of problems in Hamlet, but can he give me a few examples on how to develop these ideas myself?
Some News Stories are all about Pictures
The Star Bulletin, which was published in Honululu, Hawaii, caught my attention because of the very large picture on the front cover. When I was a child all I wanted to do was look at the pictures. I figured I had grown out of that stage, but for some reason I found myself drawn to the articles with the biggest picture on the cover. I find that covers such as The Garden Island, which was published in Lihu'e, Hawaii, don't appeal to me because of the lack of color on the front page. I had to actually look for a cover that I was uninterested in, and The Garden Island just didn't draw my attention from first glance.
Despite the fact that the content of a newspaper is by far more important than the cover of a newspaper, the cover is what initially draws a person's attention. Without the cover, in my opinion, there would be no impulse to read a paper.
Have you ever been to a desert in the winter?
Quit Our Books?
"We Are Not Amused," But Are We?
In Chapter 6 in "The Associated Press Guide to Newswriting," Cappon states that, "We Are Not Amused" by treating death, pain, and suffering humorously. Now, I definitely laughed at the story of the dog being castrated. If I had read this same story in the newspaper I would have laughed as well. However, I am not laughing at the fact that the dog has died, but I am laughing at the fact that the owners are suing the doctor for the dog's death. This news story is ridiculous and I agree that it should not be printed in a newspaper. However, I enjoyed it nonetheless.
I believe that Chapter 8 of this book also relates to the dog story. Expletives are eliminated from news stories because society looks down upon vulgarity. Now, isn't society the reason that the news should not print a story that makes fun of a dead dog? Obviously the newspaper should want to please society, but it seems to be difficult due to the, as Cappon states, "diversified audience." Cappon also claims that, "The limits of the acceptable vary from newspaper to newspaper." Due to this "diversified" audience, it is probably a good thing that society has choices between a vulgar newspaper and a more family friendly newspaper. Ok people, when I say vulgar I mean like printing the word ass. Come on get your mind out of the gutters.
I Think You Just Ruined My Childhood
So, after discovering that most of the Disney movies are actually based on some form of a violent act, I decided that my "innocent" childhood had been ruined. I mean, it's probably a good thing that I didn't see Ariel's bleeding stumps of legs when I watched The Little Mermaid, but I would have understood the concept a lot better now. It's interesting to find out that things such as Disney movies, are actually based on pieces of literature that have completely different meanings all together. Now, I am one of those people that think a book is always better than a movie, but I don't know if I will want to read the "real" story of Ariel, and I didn't even like the movie that much to begin with!
However, characters such as Snow White are good representations of some of Shakespeare's characters. In "Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet), Juliet is portrayed as a little boy crazy, which most girls are when they are 13 (I said most not all). Aren't most of the women characters in Disney movies a little boy crazy as well? Even Pocahontas, the most down to earth (literally) character of all the Disney movies, gets a little boy crazy when John Smith pulls up in his fancy boat. This comparison was an excellent way to show how the concepts of society remain the same throughout literature.
Sample Spot News-Reporting on a "Greater Scope"
The story on the Golden Gate Park forestation seemed to just drag on about budget cuts and job losses. I understand that unemployment is a major issue in the United States, but when relating this issue to an environment issue, it seems to make both of the issues less important. By writing about the Golden Gate forestation, the author is addressing a small issue that is actually representing a bigger issue, but it still doesn't draw my attention. If I hadn't had to blog about this article, I probably would have skimmed over the entire thing and I still would have been able to get the main points. Now obviously I am not always going to be able to read something that I enjoy, but this article should focus on a more prominent issue.
The other article, by Matthew Baker, also has the same problem. His article is a little more interesting because it involves some action with the racing, but it still seems to address the issue in the wrong way. I enjoyed how Baker took a racing story and changed it into a story about the environment, but it just seemed a lot less serious than it actually is.
Depth and Style vs. Actual News
The first story, "Would-be robbery victim fights back," actually seems to have a lot of depth despite the length. I enjoyed how short it actually was. I was able to read the story and easily understand what was going on. Even though the reporter was just showing a crime that occurred in the community, I was able to relate to the victim. The fact that the reporter stated the the victim fought back shows me that even though a crime happened, the community should not be afraid because the victim is unharmed and no money was stolen. The reporter was also able to give some details to the readers about the suspect so that we have a sense of what to look for. However, don't be afraid of every person with "dark eyes and dark hair."
In the second story, "Plea deal reached in Jeanette enslavement, kidnap case," I believe that this does not actually go in-depth as it is stated to be. With a story like this, a newspaper can't really go into much detail to what happened. The Tribune-Review does a very good job stating that they do, "not name alleged victims of sexual assault." Even though this restricts the amount of information that is being given to the society, it is the respectful thing to do. Also, the newspaper cannot give details of sexual crimes such as these. It would probably be more harmful to a society rather than helpful. Therefore, this article is more of an overview of what happened in court rather than an in-depth look at the findings.
Societal Value of News
Ingram and Henshall stated that news value is dependent upon the "size of the community," and that "crimes are usually viewed as more important by smaller communities." However, is that the only factor in a community that relates to the value of the news? I believe that the location of the community in which the crime happened is the biggest factor when determining the value of a news story. If a journalist were to write and print story about a murder in New Orleans, which happens to have the largest murder rate in the U.S., the people of New Orleans would not be as interested because, as bad as it is to say, it isn't out of the ordinary. Now, if they were to write and print a story about a murder in Dallas, which has over a population almost three times larger than New Orleans, it would be a major deal. People in Dallas, Texas are not accustomed to the amount of crime that happens in New Orleans. Even though the population is much smaller in New Orleans than in Dallas, a murder story would be more significant to the people living in Dallas.
Portfolio 1
This is a portfolio of the blogs that I have done so far in my Writing about Literature class. These blogs contain my opinion, whether you agree or not, on the readings that we have done for this class. Some of them also discuss some tips and pointers that I have learned to help me in my writing.
Here is a list of the blogs that I have posted at this point in the semester.
Generalize? - In this entry I discuss the differences in writing in college and writing in high school.
To Explicate or Not to Explicate, That is the Question - This blog shows the frustration that is caused by reading too much into poetry.
Oh the Trickery - The changing of perspectives makes it difficult for a reader to follow a story. This entry shows how "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge," by Ambrose Bierce, uses this skill of perspective changing.
Focus on the Story - This entry discusses how a narrator of a story can actually be unreliable.
Let's Drink, and Then Cut Off Someone's Head - Should you trust an executioner that tends to drink a little too much alcohol? Well, this blog discusses this exact type of scenario.
Do You Really Have to Leave Love Behind? - Shakespeare seems to have written many plays and poems that relate to romance and love. This entry challenges Shakespeare's "view" on love.
The Story of My Life - The irony of certain stories can set the stage for a good plot. This blog explains the irony of certain situations and how it can help the story along.
Oh Sylvia and Her "Metaphors" - Sylvia Plath seems to enjoy making fun of herself. In this entry, I have tried to expose these metaphors and make sense of them.
Gender Confusion? - In the parody "Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet)," by Ann-Marie MacDonald, readers discover that there can be so many ways to interpret some of Shakespeare's greatest works. I have tried to relate to Ann-Marie MacDonald in comparing her parody to everyday gender confusion.
Generalize? - I feel that college writing is much more complicated and in depth than the way it was in high school. I have compared the "rules" that were set for students in high school and how we are taught to almost ignore them now.
Let's Drink, and Then Cut Off Someone's Head - I have taken the story, "The Three Strangers," and shown the similarities between it and a movie, "The Strangers," that has just recently been produced. I have also looked into the theme of the story as well.
Do You Really Have to Leave Love Behind? - By challenging Shakespeare's work, I believe that I have brought forth some major issues with the themes in many of his plays and poetry that should be addressed.
Gender Confusion? - By relating "Goodnight Desdemona (Good morning Juliet)" to everyday society, I believe that I have helped myself to better understand Shakespeare's work. Having already read the plays that were parodied, I was able to understand the humor Ann-Marie MacDonald used.
Failing to Fail - Aja Hannah
I love Aja's bluntness in this blog. I agreed with what she claimed and I added a comment to show my support.
Twain, "Luck": "We got issue in America..." - Carissa Altizer
Lying to feel Safe - Gladys Mares
A View From All Angles - Melissa Scwenk
Melissa makes an extremely good point about how annoying it is when perspectives are switched between chapters. I was able to relate to this feeling.
For Shame? - Cody Naylor
O_o?????????????? - Kayla Lesko
If You Can't Read Him, Read a Parody - Josie Rush
These are the blogs that I have posted in a timely fashion.
Let's Drink, and Then Cut Off Someone's Head
Do You Really Have to Leave Love Behind?
After reading my blog, Dr. Jerz was able to help me fully understand the concept of generalizing in writing.
Let's Drink, and Then Cut Off Someone's Head - By comparing this story to a recently produced movie, I was able to spark a conversation that provided feedback into this comparison.
Do You Really Have to Leave Love Behind? - After reading my entry, Aja Hannah commented with an opinion that gave me a different perspective on Shakespeare's work. It made me reevaluate what I had written and research my opinion.
Kayla Lesko's Blog - Discussing a character in Shakespeare
Josie Rush's Blog - Discussing the use of profane language in a parody of Shakespeare
Aja Hannah's Blog - Discussing the way in which characters are portrayed
I absolutely love the blog that I wrote about the Gender Confusion? in Anne-Marie MacDonald's "Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet)." It not only discusses the issues of gender confusion in society, but it also provides some humor on the subject.
Gender Confusion?
From turning into a man to agreeing to kiss a woman, I believe that there is definitely some gender confusion in "Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet), by Ann-Marie MacDonald. As Constance claims, "Thank God they think that I'm a man. [To God] Thank you. O thank you," the audience is well aware that Constance is actually a woman. However, she is letting us know that Romeo actually does believe that she is a man. Therefore, Romeo does "fall in love" with a man.
Now, it is not wrong for Constance to love Romeo (neither is it wrong for Romeo to love "Constantine"), but for that time period, homosexuality was not accepted. Constance, or Constantine whichever you prefer, attempts to avoid this somewhat awkward situation. However, Romeo is just so dreamy. He's your everyday Zac Efron (disclaimer: I do not believe Zac Efron is dreamy). It is difficult for Constance to stay away. Then, however, she is pursued by Juliet, his thirteen year old wife. Constance claims that Juliet is "very beautiful, and sweet and passionate, and probably a-lovely...lover." Calling a woman beautiful is natural, but calling her a "lovely lover" insinuates that there is some sexual desire.
Now that Constance has expressed her interest, as a man, to Romeo, and her interest, as a woman, to Juliet, it implies that Constance is having trouble deciphering whether or not she should be with a man or a woman. Also, this implies that she is confused on whether she remain a man or return to her original state as a woman, which she really has no choice in the matter.
This type of situation is actually very common in today's society. However, in the time that Shakespeare was referring to in "Romeo and Juliet" it would be highly disregarded. It is interesting that MacDonald uses this type of perspective in her parody.
Suck it In...
In Chapter 4 of "The Associated Press Guide to News Writing," Rene J. Cappon claims that "Sentences come under special strains in news writing. A lot of facts have to be squeezed into a tight space; afterthoughts are often accomadated in haste. There's a tendency to overload sentences and let them swell to unseemly length." After reading this, I went in search of the shortest news story ever. I found a spoof, which was so short I had trouble finding the "story" on the page, and many other links to news in general.
This rule of making news stories "fit" is difficult to abide by. It seems, to me, that if a reporter got a good lead on an extremely interesting story, then they would want to use as much room as they needed to describe it entirely. However, they are restricted to a certain amount of space and that makes it difficult to make the story readable.
Disappeared, Examined, Greased, Knocked, Mixed
In Chapter 3 of "The Associated Press Guide to News Writing," Rene J. Cappon describes "Verbs like moved, scheduled, expected and prepared," to be "crutches" for stories that are a day old.
I agree with this statement. I don't think I would want to read a story about a man that moved a piano for his friend because he was scheduled to play at the outdoor theatre that night, but it was expected to rain so they had to be prepared.
I want to read: Yesterday, a man adapted to the predicted thunder storm by elevating his 300 pound piano out of the outdoor theatre and placing it under cover at a nearby restaurant. The concert was planned for this evening, but it has been postponed due weather.
The use of the verbs in that story makes it much more interesting and animated.
The quote, "actions speak louder than words," is typically associated with a tangible actions, but when relating it to a news story it helps to make the story more readable.
So, take action.
Potfolio 1-Now You Can Read Me
This is a portfolio of the my blogging work that I have done so far in my Newswriting course with Dr. Jerz at Seton Hill University.
These are all the blogs (some of them are links to comments due to the fact that I had no clue how to blog at the beginning of the semester) that I have posted at this time in the semester.
My first real Newswriting assignment! Channel 4 Action News, which you could catch at 5,6, or 11, so you didn't technically need to be in action to catch it.
Breaking News? - a fun comment on the news spoof, The Onion, that reveals similarities between this fake broadcast and the "real" thing.
For those of us who want to look good, even in death, should read Obituaries Can be Bad Publicity, which discusses the way in which obituaries can be written.
When being told about someone's life in detail, I actually would like to know ALL of the details. This blog refers to a sample profile that the class was asked to read.
Journalism can also be known as a language, or so it seems after reading, "The Language of Journalism." Do journalists have a set of values that goes along with their language as well?
How is it that journalists somehow find a way to keep their opinions to theirself? This blog compares journalists to teachers and relates this constant battle.
The Bus Plunge Theory is a blog that I have written to discuss the need of a filler story. Now, it may be a little far fetched and disturbing, but it's the way I feel.
Due to the fact that there are so many bus plunge stories, it seems that they would start to sound the same after so many. However, there are many different ways to describe a bus plunge.
"Actions speak louder than words." So, if I punch you in the face would that be a better way of telling you that I am angry with you?
If I had been given a lead that included many details and interesting occurences, but asked to write a story about it that excluded most of these details, I wouldn't be able to. My blog about Chapter 4 in "The Associated Press Guide to News Writing," shows how difficult that may or may not actually be.
I feel that this blog shows my naivete towards journalism. It reveals my relationship with the news.
This blog uncovered a readers relationship with the narrator of a story. Rather than just going along with the story and relating to the narrator, I discussed how I could possible read a story and feel that I am being lied to the entire time.
By relating this to my future occupation as an educator, I furthered the reading and compared it to another real life situation.
In this blog, I slightly mocked the fact that we are not supposed to be supporting bus plunge stories. I felt that I could have began a slight disagreement. However, I actually found that some people agree with the "theory."
I added a link to this blog that furthered my opinion. I was able to expand my statements and express my opinion.
Chapter 4...Digging Deeper - Cody Naylor
I read what Cody, and some of the other people that commented on this blog, had to say and really took their advice to heart. Note taking is an extremely important habit that should be picked up.
Digging is for Reporters and Shovels, Not Readers - Josie Rush
Although I was the last to comment on this blog, I felt that I really connected with what Josie had stated. I do have a really difficult time deciding what I am going to write, and I do always seem to find something wrong when I am done with it.
paragraphs and stuff - Mike Poiarkoff
Even though this blog was not due till today, I was the first to comment on it. I also made a comment that might spark some sort of disagreement between Mike and I, which might be quite enjoyable.
I asked if anyone had any suggestions for a book that had an unreliable narrator telling the story, and Melissa Schwenk gave me a suggestion :).
Aja Hannah was able to relate to my point of view as a future teacher in this blog.
Cody Naylor was the first and only one to comment on this blog. He also agreed with my somewhat disturbing sense of humor. Thanks Cody :).
Timeliness-These blogs (or comments due to my lack of knowledge on blogging) were posted in a timely fashion that allowed for commenting:
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Obituaries Can be Bad Publicity
Well, I'm just starting to get this blogging thing down so I haven't been much of a contributor. I swear I'll do better next time!
This is not exactly my favorite blog that I have written, but I did learn something in the process of writing it. This was written for my Writing about Literature course. Not only was I able to further my knowledge by studying this topic, this blog also sparked a comment from Dr. Jerz. Dr. Jerz was able to help me fully understand my agrument by providing a comment that expanded my argument.
Oh Sylvia and Her "Metaphors"
In the three poems that I have read by Sylvia Plath, I have noticed that she loves making a metaphor out of herself. Her metaphors are typically outlandish and disturbing. In her poem, "Lady Lazarus," she compares worms that have been crawling on her dying body to "sticky pearls" in seashells.
Her poem "Metaphors" takes everyday objects and turns them into terrifying monsters. She enjoys scaring her readers by taking something that would normally be enjoyable and compares it to something that is a little less agreeable.
By saying that she has "Boarded the train there's no getting off," she seems to be implying that she isn't going to stop writing the way she has been for so long. If she is not implying that, then she is once again referring to her suicidal tendencies and letting the readers know that we can't stop her from causing her own death.
The Battle of the Bus Plunges
I have read and compared a bus plunge in Nepal and a bus plunge in Kashmir. The headlines of both state that there are deaths that occurred from a bus plunge. This statement grabs readers attention and makes them want to learn about why such a tragedy has happened. Coincidentally both bus plunges caused at least 20 deaths.
Both of these stories are around the same length and have many of the same details.
However, the bus plunge story from Nepal gives an estimated number of people that were on the bus at the time of the incident. It also gives the number of people that are still undergoing treatment, and states that there are still people that remain missing. The story from Kashmir indicates that there are many "fatal road accidents" in India and that most are blamed on "reckless driving."
The story from Nepal seems to be more informative and to the point. It wants readers to know as many details as can be provided, in such a small space. The story from Kashmir seems to be more of a warning to readers, "beware of the bus plunge" or "you better drive safe or this is what will happen."
The Bus Plunge Theory
I kind of wish that "digital magic" hadn't eliminated the need for bus plunge stories. Yea, I guess they would get old after awhile, but doesn't all news get old. In a disturbing kind of way, it's almost comedic to read about a bus plunging off a cliff into a river. Now it would be even better if the driver as well as everyone in the bus lived to tell the story about how a boy on the bus dropped his school project, which happened to be a globe, and it rolled all the way from the back of the bus to the front of the bus where it stuck under the brake just as the bus was going around a curve with low guard rails. The students would then go on to quote how the bus flew through the air and landed in the rushing water. The school jock would of course save everyone including the bus driver and drag them to shore. However, none of this would be printed because it would be way too long for a filler story. So, readers would actually only see the headline, "Bus Plunge," and they would be told the name of the school and the number of the survivors, which in this case would be all of them. Also, the name of the school would have to be short otherwise they would have to find another bus plunge to write about because it wouldn't fit.
Anyways, I think bus plunges can be fun, but not too much fun without any of the gory details.
Follow that Hoodie!
Elizabeth Mount College (EMC)-On Sept. 14, 2009 a pedestrian was injured outside of Alumni Hall.
The incident was witnessed by Security Chief, Robert Chase.
The pedestrian, Sharon Pierce, was exiting Collins Hall and was struck by a vehicle about 15 feet north of the cross walk. Pierce is a fourth year undergraduate and resident of Collins Hall. She was treated on site by emergency medical technicians and declined transport to a hospital.
Karl Klaushammer, the driver, was turning around the east entrance to the Alumni Hall Gallery when he struck Pierce. Klaushammer was driving a 2004 Ford Taurus.
Chase claimed that, "Klaushammer was observed by this officer to be in distress and reported that a package that was in his back seat was apparently taken." He also said that, "a man in an EMC hoodie was spotted running south along college drive."
"Klaushammer was ordered to stay alert while driving through campus and to keep important articles locked in his trunk," said Chase.
The male is described to be around six feet tall and 200 pounds. No incriminating features were identified. After being given verbal orders to halt, the male suspect disappeared on foot past Park Water Avenue and into the wooded lot behind the chemistry parking lot.
The Story of My Life
Roberts claims that, "Stories, plays, and many poems are made up of mostly actions or incidents that follow one another in chronological order. The same is also true of life, but there is a major difference, and that is that fiction must always make sense even though life itself does not always make sense," (93). After reading this I imagine a voice narrating my every move and thought (I would choose Morgan Freeman for this because I absolutely adore his voice). Now, like Roberts claims, life doesn't always make sense. So, I might give poor Morgan a run for his money on his narrating ability.
Now, it's slightly ironic that Roberts uses Robert Frost's poem, "The Road not Taken," and then shows a drawing of a man falling off a cliff (102). This drawing is an accurate depiction of plot structure, but if the man hadn't taken that road he would not have fallen off.
Anyways, the placement of certain details throughout a story is extremely important. Had readers known that both the executioner and the escaped prisoner were sitting at a table together, drinking from the same mug, then the story would not have been so interesting. I would just be sitting there yelling at the executioner the whole time because I knew what he didn't. Yes, I am one of those people who yells at movies and books. Therefore, I would have been mad at the story and I would not have been able to truly enjoy it.
Do You Really Have to Leave Love Behind?
Inevitably, youth of the body must die, but your mind can be youthful. Shakespeare seems to believe that your mind cannot go on once your body gets old. You can love someone, but when you die you have to leave the love for that person behind. Is that true? Do the fires of love also have to burn out with the fire of your youth? Do youth and love go hand in hand? Not only does Shakespeare compare youth to love, he also compares it to the changing of the seasons and the singing of the birds. It seems as though he is trying to say that he loves, that special someone, but his life has changed. Therefore, he can no longer love that special someone anymore. However, is he talking about himself or is he referring to relationships in general? Now that the divorce rate is about 50 percent, it seems that this applies to everyday society. Is it possible to love someone forever, or am I going to change my mind in the next 20 years or so? Shakespeare seems to have no hope for love.
Let's Drink, and Then Cut Off Someone's Head
Although the short story, "The Three Strangers," has a completely different story line from the movie "The Strangers," there are many similarities. Like the story, the movie is based on three strangers that come to a house that is described as "lonely." The house is pictured to be away from society, or safety for that matter. Unlike the story, the movie has a large amount of blood, gore, and suspense. However, the story has the same sense of fear.
Once the guests in the house realized that one of the strangers is actually an executioner, they became very anxious and frightened. I would have been more frightened of the fact that he had been given more alcohol than all the people at the party rather than his occupation. His "job" would be slightly stressful. What normal person kills people for a living? Mixing alcohol with an execution just doesn't seem too ethical or safe for that matter. However, this makes the story more horrific. The portrayal of a deranged executioner made the story more interesting. Also, to top off this already eccentric story, the man that was supposed to be executed shared the alcohol with the executioner. I mean this story was written in 1888, but come on shouldn't the executioner have some sort of notion as to what the man he will be killing looks like. Well, it made for a good story, but it was slightly frustrating.
Keep Your Opinion to Yourself
Using someone else's opinion to tell a story could be difficult if you didn't support that opinion. It must be hard for reporters to remain outside of the story.
As a future teacher, I must also keep my opinions to myself. A teacher is supposed to remain impartial in most class discussions. Teachers are not supposed to discuss their political or religious affiliation with their students. Similar to reporters, teachers are not allowed stating their opinion publicly about certain subjects. Reporters cannot tell society that they think, "the football team sucks." It would be appropriate for a member of society to say that to a reporter, but the reporter must not state their feelings on the subject.
We need to make a generalization to write a paper? Woah Toto, we're not in high school anymore. In high school I was taught that it was forbidden to make a generalization within a paper. Roberts says that, "Because the close-reading essay is concerned with details, you might have a problem developing a thematic structure. You can overcome this difficulty if you begin to work with either a generalization about the passage or a thesis based on the relationship of the passage to the work," (55). Therefore, according to Roberts, it is correct to make a generalization about the passage prior to writing a close reading.
Is it then correct to make a generalization when you are not writing a close reading? For example, a research paper? If I made a generalization throughout a research paper that I was writing, I feel that it would be very wrong. However, say this generalization was based on factual information, would it be correct then? I really could not tell you, but I think I will stick to a typical thesis in all the reasearch papers that I am sure I will be writing sooner or later.
Focus on the Story
Narrators can be unreliable? Prior to reading Chapter 4 in "Writing about Literature," I did not really think about a narrator being unreliable. Don't you always trust the person telling the story? I mean I wouldn't trust someone if they told me they could fly, but when reading a book I never thought I was being lied to. When you are given an opportunity to see into someone's mind, figuratively, I would assume that their thoughts would not be lying to you.
Whenever I read now I may take a second to think about what I am actually being told, and who's point of view I am being shown. It actually might be interesting to read a story in third person and find out that the narrator has been telling it completely wrong from the beginning. Does anyone have any suggestions of a book like this?
Hold the Adjectives
Being descriptive and colorful in writing has always been one of my main objectives. However, I am not very good at it, but after reading the passage, "Hold the Adjectives" in chapter one of "The Associated Press Guide to Newswriting," I discovered that I did not have to be so descriptive. According to Mark Twain, an adjective is more effective when it is far away from other adjectives. This is interesting. I figured journalists used adjectives to their advantage when describing the scene of a traumatic, fatal, bone-chilling car accident in the middle of a thousand, traumatized bystanders. Well, I guess less is actually more.
Journalists have values?
Oh the Trickery
When first reading An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce, I figured this would be another one of those depressing stories. Well, it actually was, but the mood was happy through the middle. Bierce used extremely descriptive language that kept me involved throughout the story. What bothered me a little was the changing of perspectives and settings. One minute I was reading through the narrators' eyes, then I was seeing through Peyton Farquhar. I actually thought that I was being told about two different people. Now I am not implying that this is bad and that I did not enjoy it, it just made it a little more difficult. However, it helped me slightly because I was forced to go back and read it again.
I enjoyed this story so much becuase it is not typical. In the middle when the readers are being told of his "escape," I figured it was going to be another happy ending. Then, alas, his neck is broken and he is dead. The end. It may not have been a happy ending, but I sure enjoyed it.
To Explicate or Not to Explicate, That is the Question
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