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Sad and Funny

No! No, no! It was funny!
Wit -- Jerz: EL150 (Intro to Literary Study)

I enjoyed this play immensely. While on one level it was incredibly depressing to see Vivian's suffering, the style it was written in gives it a humorous tone. This just proves that Margaret Edson is as clever as the character she creates. To take such a despressing topic and make it funny--that displays true a true gift with the English language.

Comments (3)


The ending brought it all together as well. It would have been depressing if it had simply ended with her death, but seeing her leave behind the pain and suffering gives the reader hope.

Mike Poiarkoff:

Agreed. This is my kind of literature. Just like vonnegut and Palahniuk, Edson twist the story of a cancer patient into an uplifting, humorous story that really gets to the heart of the reader, whether they want it to or not.

Ellen Einsporn:

Literature with a satirical twist is also my favorite. While I also like Vonnegut, my alltime favorite book is Catch-22 by Joseph Heller. If you haven't read it you shoul. Also, if you're interested in earlier writings, you should read some of Jonathan Swift's works. I haven't read anything by Palahniuk, but now I think I might over the summer.


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