"I do profess to be no less than I seem, to serve/him truly that will put me in trust, to love him that/is honest, to converse with him that is wise and says/little, to fear judgement, to fight when I cannot/choose, and to eat no fish."
Shakespeare, King Lear Acts 1,2 -- Jerz: EL150 (Intro to Literary Study)
Bethany created a very nice blog about this particular passage commenting on Kent's admirability as a person. I could not agree more with her. Kent is truly a "good" character within the play and his loyalty, honesty, and chivalrous actions surely prove such goodness. While I appreciate Kent's character, however, I simply cannot understand what he means when he professes "to eat no fish." Can any one explain this to me?
Comments (1)
It means he's not Catholic.
Posted by alex clohert | June 14, 2007 11:46 AM
Posted on June 14, 2007 11:46