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January 23, 2006

Sections 1-3, 5

"The real reason for a quest is always self knowledge (3)." Foster writes with humor and uses great examples to entertain the reader as well as explain how to view literature. The first section about quests made me realize that the simplest act of looking for missing socks could become a quest that really isn't about the socks but more about finding an answer to solving your problem of being disorganized. Foster seemed to want us to realize that there are subplots and unspoked driving forces that cause characters in literature to act, not always what's made obvious. This goes with analyzing.
"When those two finish swilling and slurping on drumsticks and sucking fingers and generally wallowing and moaning, the audience wants to lie back and smoke." (9) That was a great way of explaining how a word communion has more than one meaning to various groups of people. This showed the importance of understanding definitions and how words can be used to paint a more vivid picture and make the reader feel apart of the text. I love this guy already! He also explained how a story could be about one thing that was consterversial so writers would use a ghost or something else like eating to symbolize lust, which helps to know as you're reading something. We are vampires if we're feeling selfish, kids! In 5 I had deja vu just by reading about deja vu, because all books do usually have a plot that's similar to others in one way or another. Stories really do grow out of others. It reminds me of a drinking night with friends. One person starts telling a story and his spouse interupts him saying "No, it happened at 8," and barges in, adding to or even changing the story. Foster makes a good point when he says if you get clues about morals or mushrooms, you begin to see more. I am always shouting out lines or predicting the ends of movies with my friends and I think that it's "all one story."

Posted by ErinWaite at January 23, 2006 03:07 PM


Wow, Erin, you've launched into this term's blogging with a passion! Foster certainly has a way with words, and makes sure we can see how much he enjoys language.

I have high hopes for the story of "Intro to Literary Study."

Posted by: Dennis G. Jerz at January 23, 2006 04:24 PM

i am no longer a bloga-phobe i guess you could say! i'm actually having fun with it and i love to read so anything that we'll be doing with reading will be interesting.

Posted by: Erin at January 25, 2006 09:59 AM

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