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February 27, 2006
Blogging Portfolio
Coverage: I think I covered alot of good material on Foster Ch. 19 and 20 and had alot good opinions on it. I really enjoyed reading these chapters.http://blogs.setonhill.edu/mt/mt.cgi?__mode=view&_type=entry&id=14288&blog_id=299
Depth:The Machine Stops raised alot of questions and thoughts about how heavily we rely on technology even now, so I think you'll appreciate the depth in this one. http://blogs.setonhill.edu/mt/mt.cgi?__mode=view&_type=entry&id=14514&blog_id=299
Discussion:Andy and I had a good talk about Antony and Cleopatra in Acts III-V and Amanda and I talked about Foster. Dena and I had a good discussion about "Spring and Fall"
Timeliness:I blogged about "Bernice Bobs Her Hair" so early i didn't even get comments. I also blogged early on Sections 1,3,5
Comment Primo: I blogged first on Brittany's, Mike's, and Danielle's blogs.
Comment Grande: I went in off on Kevin, Andy, and Mike's blogs.
Xenoblogging: I think I made things clear on some of the Foster Selections for Amanda
Reflection: I think that I've gotten much better since last semester blogging and am actually tackling more important issues as opposed to just rambling. I think the blogging has really helped us all in understanding Foster, sonnets, and everything we've been discussing. I'm a full-fledged blogger now, I guess.
Posted by ErinWaite at February 27, 2006 09:28 AM