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February 08, 2006
"Disillusionment of Ten O'Clock"
"...imagination is the power that enables us to perceive the normal in
the abnormal, the opposite of chaos in chaos. It does this every day in
arts and letters."
-- Wallace Stevens
I found this and feel that he explains his own work best. I love the fact that he used "baboons" and "periwinkles" in the same line. It emphasized the dream-like experience he felt more people should have. I think he may have been talking about the lack of romance and simply day-dreaming that we have in our lives. Sometimes it's nice to fall asleep and wake up somewhere in an exotic land. I'm not condoning drug use, but I understand where people are coming from when they say they want to "expand their minds" and go on "vision quests," but there are plenty of people who are creative enough to do this while remaining drug free. Those are the people who know to play their imaginations like instruments and that's why I'm so in love with fantasy. What do you daydream about? Do you think it helps you in your daily life? We wouldn't have poetry and amazing music that runs through our heads if not.
Posted by ErinWaite at February 8, 2006 11:36 AM