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February 03, 2006
Foster: Ch. 10 & 12
I found both of these chapters to go hand in hand. He discusses how weather can effect or even change the whole story. He explains that rain can have more than meaning. In movies, there's always someone murdering in a fight scene or making vows of undying love. Sun can be dreadful to some, if they are afraid to face the day and nurturing to others who are seeking a new beginning. It all depends on how you look at it. There was a song that went "Sign, sign, everywhere a sign." Who sang it? It reminded me of symbolism. Everyone seems to be searching for a meaning and allegory basically says "there's only one right right answer, kiddo." I write poetry and people each have a different interpretation of it. If anything, I think this helps make any type of art more valuable. If everyone can different symbols in a piece, it can be talked about for ages. Thus, it will always be remembered.
Posted by ErinWaite at February 3, 2006 09:37 AM