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February 27, 2006
Foster: Ch. 11 & 13
Foster writes about symbols in writing. Yes, there are the general ones like, white is purity, red is war and blood, but there is more to it than that. Different countries also have different interpretations on the same symbols. In China, red means great honor. I think that it is hard to have standard symbols when we all have ones of our own. Certain shoes and songs are symbols to me that absolutely no one else would understand. Do you guys have your own symbols? As far as politics go, I hate talking about them. I will say that Shakespeare was very political in his writing. He wrote about the power struggle between Antony and Caesar as well as the hate between two rich families in Romeo and Juliet. It seems that politics almost always deal with money or power. What do you think of politics in writing?
Posted by ErinWaite at February 27, 2006 12:40 PM