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February 01, 2006
"To Build a Fire"
I've read this before and the second time through gave me more insight and I felt more emotion. The way he just layed down and accepted his fate was powerful and kind of scary. Could you do that? That's what I asked myself, but I guess killing the dog was his only option and it's sad how the dog just moves on the "next food and fire provider."
Posted by ErinWaite at February 1, 2006 04:53 PM
I always thought it was a bit chilling (no pun intended -- honest), since it seemed the dog knew where the nearest help was.
Posted by: Dennis G. Jerz at February 1, 2006 07:13 PM
If they really do eat dogs in Asian countries, then I guess we're on the road to getting even. My Shih Tzu would probably just sit there and freeze to death with me I'm proud to say, so I won't be eating her for a snack.
Posted by: Erin at February 8, 2006 11:23 AM