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March 19, 2006
Comma Addicts, unite!
We seem to all have trouble with commas as a whole. It seems to be like an A.A. group where we need to learn that moderation is the key in beverages and commas alike. I have so much to blab about that I feel it best to get the main points out in the beginning, while people are still listening. In my Effective Speeh class at good old WCCC, we learned it's important to get the main points out right away. Truss does a great job in demonstrating the right ways of using commas and truly shows comma-phobes and comma-fiends a way to know moderation. Mike brought up a great point that if you say it aloud and pause, then that's where the comma should go. If Truss would've said it all that way, there wouldn't even need to be a chapter 2. Thanks, Mike. Comma-fiends should follow your example.
Posted by ErinWaite at March 19, 2006 10:56 PM