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April 12, 2006

Foster 24 and 25

Chapter 24 was great because it tied in with everything we've been discussing with Christopher. Some of his greatest weaknesses were among his greatest strengths. Who, among us, has that sort of honesty? In Disney movies, it is always the outcasts like the Beast and Quasimodo that have the greatest capacity to love and heal people. I think that whatever their physical scar is kind of determines what their strength will be. If they are blind, they may have a great ear. Some of the musicians are Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles and I think this is because they have to see the notes in their minds and listen to things on a whole different level. The themes that Foster picks out in novels are very obvious, but they are the most important. We need to break ourselves of the conditioned responses we were forced to give in high school and really just enjoy the stories we read for what they are. We do need to consider the plot and setting, but it doesn't always relate to us. Sometimes, a peach is just a peach.

Posted by ErinWaite at April 12, 2006 11:16 AM


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