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April 04, 2006

Haddon 2

I found the ending of this book to actually achieve what Christopher had hoped it would, in a way. I actually couldn't put it down, because I find it so interesting to see the world through someone's eyes that are so different from my own. I actually got quite used to the detail that he explained things and I acutally saw alot of similarities between he and his mother towards the end. Like Andy had said, it takes more of a detective to find your mother in such a big city. He really was on the type of quest that we talked about before. I admired his plight so much more because the heroes in most books never get into the details of their weaknesses and I love that fact that because of his personality, it does. His parent's love for him and the way they fanned out their fingers to show their love for Christopher moved me so much. It takes heart to really try and understand anyone's perspectives that are different, so really I think this story did what is was supposed to.

Posted by ErinWaite at April 4, 2006 05:51 PM


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