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April 27, 2006

Resurrection Blues 2

I really enjoyed this part of the book. At first I didn't have my hands on a copy but I borrowed a friends and I'm glad I did. Emily reminds me of Pilate in the Bible because he didn't necessarily agree in the crucifixtion and what was related to it, but he went along with it. Emily seems to be doing the same thing. We are often tempted to go with the crowd and I think this issue is prevalent throughout this book. Miller mocks media and actually makes the terrible things that the government (or whoever is pissing us anyone off at the time) does seem funny, kinda like Michael Moore. I am anxious to find out the realness of Ralph. Maybe he'll have a bigger role than we expected. What do you think?

Posted by ErinWaite at April 27, 2006 09:12 PM


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