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April 30, 2006

Resurrection Blues 3

This ending wasn't as hoped as I expected it to be but it's still very significant because it marks all the characters different reactions to Charley's going to "heaven." Through their testimonies at the end, the characters all seemed to realize that his death effected each of them differently. They saw their own mistakes, greed, and the importance of love. Charley had to die as Jesus did to make people realize this and it seems that although he made this huge sacrifice you can tell that people are going to go right back to doing the bad things they were doing before, but now they are more aware of their own lives. I think Miller has a very powerful voice in his writing. While it can be bleak and scandulous, it portrays people as they really are. This reading was more than I expected from Miller and he really poked fun at the media which is perfect for what we're doing right now.

Posted by ErinWaite at April 30, 2006 09:30 PM


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