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April 10, 2006

Truss Ch. 4 and 5

It's funny that I find dashes much easier to grasp than hyphens. Hyphens, as I said on Danielle's blog, remind me of those feminist women who insist on having two last names that sound awful together than just take their husband's name. Truss was a little less capitvating to me in these chapters, but she helped me understand the errors that I make on a day-to-day basis with this - and ---. They both serve multiple purposes. A hyphen is linking. It links nouns to each other. The dash is great for a dramatic pause or when someone is interupted in dialogue. I think I have a better idea, but the dashes are still a little blurry.

Posted by ErinWaite at April 10, 2006 10:16 AM


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