Spring Issue

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Thank you to everyone who submitted. Judging went wonderfully and for once we had more art than we knew what to do with. Please keep sending them in for the spring issue. Our deadline is March 19.

Also, send any thing to do with Pirates/Ninjas/Dinosaurs as we're accepting work for that issue as well. Look out: there may be a deadline soon.

Donations are always welcome. We would like to do the next issue with a color cover or spot color, but that's another $300 over our budget.

The Fall issue will be out on stands the last week of November. If you donated, we'll be sure you get one. If you are not on our usual distribution list or on campus to grab one, please email Aja Hannah at Han6769@setonhill.edu

New Guidelines

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Our goals were to make the directions more clear, open to submitters, open to types of submissions, short, and friendly.

The (Pirates versus Ninjas) + Dinosaurs issue has similar guidelines with no deadline and an obvious theme.

To old submitters, not much has changed. Don't stress over it.

To new submitters, we hope we made that chunk of text less intimidating.

Submission Guidelines for Fall 2010
“Anything creative. Anyone creative enough.”

Deadline: October 15, 2010

Eye Contact invites submissions for our Fall 2010 issue. We have the right to reject any submission that does not follow the guidelines. Identification of any form should not appear on your entry. Submissions must be previously unpublished.

Attach the following separately or in body of email:

  • Title of Work
  • Full Name (no pseudonyms)
  • Current Address
  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • One line biographical statement
  • SASE (if you want work returned)

Short/Flash Fiction

Typed + double spaced
Title on upper left of each page
If email, send as .rtf or .doc
Limit 10 pages

Creative Nonfiction 
Same as Literature

Typed + single spaced 
Title on upper left of second page 
If email, send as .rtf or .doc 
Limit two pages

Graphic Novels 
Title on upper left of each page 
Limit 10 pages

Paintings/Photography/Sculpture/Graphic Design 
EC prints in black and white (b&w) 
Artists can submit in b&w or color 
Non-cover color work prints in b&w 
Artwork will be scaled to size 
Ensure scanned work is clear If email, send as .jpeg or .pdf

Eye Contact reserves all publication rights, including electronic. 

If mailed, you must include SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope) or your work will not be returned. Submit generously. Visit us for more information at: blogs.setonhill.edu/EyeContact.

Submit at: eyecontact@setonhill.edu OR Eye Contact Seton Hill University Box 246K Greensburg, PA 15601

New Online Design

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Eye Contact is looking to revamp the layout and up our web presence. We're looking for new web editors as well as anyone interested in working on the design of the website.

Please contact Editor-in-Chief Aja Hannah at Han6769@setonhill.edu if you are interested.

Because our web layout is being worked on, there may be times when the site is down, under construction, confusing, or without timely updates. We hope you'll forgive us. It's all for the better.

Special Issue and Fall Deadline


Eye Contact is accepting submissions for our Fall 2010 issue. There is no theme. Submit as much as you want. Guidelines are posted around Seton Hill University and will be online soon. Deadline is October 15.

Guidelines are similar to Spring 2010's guidelines.

Eye Contact wants to try something new this (and possibly next) year. We're having a rolling issue. Theme: Pirates vs Ninjas + Dinosaurs.

This issue does not have a deadline or production date. When we raise enough money and receive enough quality content, it will go to print.

We look forward to your submissions!

Spring 2010 issue is out! Next deadline annoucement

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Our Spring 2010 issue has hit stands. You may notice the cover in color! We're very proud and look forward to next fall. Thank you to all of our contributors and patrons. We're already accepting submissions for next fall. The deadline is October 15 and there is no theme.

We do want to say thank you and goodbye to our graduating seniors, including our editor-in-chief Mara Barrerio, our senior literary editor Jen Prex, and our senior art editor Marie Salguero.

Next year's editor-in-chief will be Aja Hannah.

Looking Forward to Next Issue

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Thank you to everyone who contributed via donations and artistic work to this issue. The items have been picked and by mid-April you should be contacted through the mail on our decision.

It's never too late to donate of course. Patron names will be honored in the issue, which we hope will hit stands late April or early May.

We have also decided on a deadline for Fall 2010, October 15, so mark your calendars and start putting something together. It is unlikely there will be a theme and in any case we select items based on quality first before theme.

Submission guidelines will stay about the same also.

Reminder: March Deadline

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To everyone who submitted via email, you should have recieved a confirmation email within three days of sending. If you did not get this, check the email address and send your work again. Thank you to all who already contributed (either with work or with donations).

As a reminder, the deadline to submit work is this Friday, March 12. We will start our judging session soon afterward so make sure to be on time.

Here are the guidelines and the staff members.

We always accept patron donations. If you can't hand your donation to the business manager Kayla Lesko or to another staff member listed on the link above, then send it in an envelope marked "Donation" to:

Eye Contact
c/o Seton Hill University
Box 246K
Greensburg, PA 15601

Eye Contact Award

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The Spring 2009 20th anniversary issue of the award-winning literature and art magazine Eye Contact has been awarded first place by the Scholastic Association of Awards.

Congratulations and thank you to the staff, including those that have left us:
Dr. Michael Arnzen (the advisor)
Erin Mitchell (Editor-in-Chief)
Kevin Hinton (Literature Editor)
Marie Manski (Art Editor)
Liz Rettger (Business Manager)
Christina Celona (Assistant Staff)
Jed Fetterman (Assistant Staff)

We would also like to thank the contributers and the patrons. Without you, this great issue could not have gone to print. If you would like a copy the old issue, contact a current staff member.

Remember to submit and donate to the next issue. Deadline March 12.

Patron Donations

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We are always accepting patron submissions. This issue we are hoping to include more works and a color cover so every dollar counts.

To submit a donation, write down your full name and your address so that we can send you a copy of the magazine when it comes out. You will also receive confirmatin that you donated and may use this donation on your tax returns.

Turn any donations into an Eye Contact member or put them in an envelope addressed to Kayla Lesko, 1 Seton Hill Drive, Greensburg, PA 15601. Add to the paper with your contact info that the money is for Eye Contact.

Thank you to everyone who donated last year for making our issue possible. We are sorry we did not ask more of the administration and students.

March 12 Deadline

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The deadline for submissions for the Spring Issue is March 12. Email to eyecontact@setonhill.edu or mail to Eye Contact, c/o Seton Hill University, Box 246K, Greensburg, PA 15601

Here is a set of quick guideline. See staff for the full instructions. Also, almost all the boards/ads should have at least one copy of guidelines attatched.

  • There is no theme
  • Use/Have nothing that identifies you on the actual work
  • Submissions previously unpublished only
  • Attach separately:
    • Title of Work
    • Full Name
    • Current Address
    • Email
    • Primary phone
    • College
    • One line bio
  • Lit:
    • Double spaced
    • Not exceed 10 pages
    • Number pages
    • If mailed include proper SASE for returns
    • If emailed, send as .rtf or .txt files
  • Photography/Art
    • Note that if accepted submissions will be translated to black and white
    • If mailed include proper SASE for returns •Accept via email, but prefer digital/data CD submissions

We accept graphic novels, prose/short stories, poetry, art, and photography. We do take screenplays or short plays. Use Prose/Poetry section as a guideline.

If you get rejected and you want to know why, add that to your information when you submit.

Spring 2010 Issue

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The first Eye Contact meeting will be held in the Eye Contact/Setonian meeting room under Sullivan Friday, Feb. 5 at 1:30 p.m. The meeting is open to newcomwers wishing to join the staff this year.

A theme hasn't been chosen yet, but you may start submitting following the guidelines as well as the updates from last semester.

The deadline will be posted after Friday the 5th.

Fall Issue Success

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Thank you to everyone that submitted, the patrons who donated, our new Editor-In-Chief Mara Barreiro, and new Graphic Designer Molly Follmer. We also extend a thank you to our new members Lyndsey Bashman and Alexi Swank and our new advisor Timons Esaias.

This issue was a great success! It's out on stands now. If stands are empty contact us via email or in the classes and we'll put more out.

There were many great submissions this issue that had to be cut for space. Don't let this discourage you! Submissions for the Spring Semester are open. There is no theme here either.

Remember graphic violence, language, or sex will get you disqualified.

Thank You!

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Eye Contact staff would like to thank everyone that submitted their work and the people that judged the first round! We received more literature than ever before. Over 60 poems and about 20 short stories were submitted for this issue. Because we can only take about 10 poems and 6 short stories, many great works will have to be cut so please don't take it personally. Instead, start working on something to submit for our spring issue.

To anyone still wishing to donate, contact an Eye Contact staff member. Donations are accepted year round.

EYE CONTACT is the art/literary magazine of Seton Hill University

Seton Hill University

Recent Comments

  • Aja Hannah: The text is funny here, but the + dinosaurs is read more
  • Karissa Kilgore: Why do the ninjas get help from the dinosaurs? That read more
  • Aja Hannah: All written submissions should be in Times New Roman, 12 read more
  • Aja Hannah: I have sent your request to the Editor-in-Chief, Mara Barreiro. read more
  • Erin Woodington: Good afternoon, My husband submitted and was published in your read more
  • John Woodington: I would like to order 10 more copies of Eye read more
  • John Woodington: When can I get a copy of the November "Eye read more
  • John Woodington: Thanks for accepting my short story "Visitation Hour" for publication. read more
  • D. Knestaut: If someone has a moment, could he or she please read more
  • Timons Esaias: Mr. Esaias. Not Dr.. Mr.. 8-) read more

Recent Assets

  • ec_banner2.jpg
  • ecboard1.jpg
  • EC2009COVER-WEB.jpg
  • SHUlogo_TWU_black_th.jpg
  • ECSP08-Cover.jpg
  • EyeContact-Zombie3.jpg
  • dv8image.gif
  • ECCoverF07.gif
  • Arnzen_JENZICON2.jpg

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