A Little Spoonful of the Positive

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I was surprised by how positive a review some of my classmates gave The Cavalier.  I personally didn’t like it very much.  Mostly, I didn’t like the absence of pictures below the fold.  However, after reading Angela’s blog and the comments left on it, I think I was able to moderate my dislike a little bit.  Josie pointed out in a comment to Angela that The Cavalier’s page was more “user-friendly.”  On a second look at the webpage, I could really see what she meant.  While there were no more pictures, there were clearer divisions between sections.  It is very easy for a reader to see where the “Recent News” section is, where the “Sports” section is, etc.  In this way, if a reader wanted to read an article from a particular section, it would be a lot easier for them to find.  

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