Flight 93 Memorial Links

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In light of the recent (November 7) groundbreaking for the Flight 93 memorial, I am investigating how the school district and other area officials will handle the loss of funding from property tax for the local school. 

  • Welcome to Shanksville-Stonycreek School District—this is part of the local school’s official website.  This section of the website gives information on the school, the area, and the residents.
  • Flight 93 National Memorial—This is the National Park Service’s official website for Flight 93.  It includes information on the groundbreaking ceremony, the memorial design, video clips from residents and others involved, and more. 
  • People bound by a cause can achieve great things—This is an editorial about the Flight 93 memorial written by a local man which was published in the Tribune-Democrat (Johnstown's paper).  He expresses his pleasure over the beginning of the construction.
  • “We made it’: Ground broken for Flight 93 memorial—This is an article from the Tribune-Democrat about the groundbreaking. 
  • Ground broken for Flight 93—This is the Daily American’s (Somerset’s paper) article on the groundbreaking.  It includes a video of the ceremony.
  • PILT FAQ—This is the Department of the Interior’s FAQ on Payment in Lieu of Taxes, which is a possible way the school may be able to make up for some of the lost funds from property tax.   
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