You Can't Please Everyone
In all three
of my classmate’s blogs that I have read so far, I seem to be the odd one out as
far as opinions go on the Harvard Crimson’s layout. Angela gave it a C, Josie was not overly impressed,
and Derek while commenting that it was professional, didn’t really keep his attention.
While I would not claim that the layout was
perfect, there are some small things they could do to improve it (such as making
their masthead more prominent or adding a pdf of the print edition of their paper),
I thought it was overall pretty well done. They had a slideshow, videos, plenty of graphics,
and lots of articles. Perhaps part of one’s
preference is entirely personal. I mean,
what looks good to me, may not look good to Angela. And what looks good to me may not look good to
her. It would be so hard to be a layout editor,
because no matter what you do, you can’t please everyone.
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