- 2009.11.27: Portfolio 4: A More Informed Person, Prepared for the Future
- 2009.11.27: The Public’s Role
- 2009.11.27: “With great power, comes great responsibility”
- 2009.11.17: A Little Spoonful of the Positive
- 2009.11.17: You Can't Please Everyone
- 2009.11.16: Harvard’s Good, the Cavalier’s Ok, But I Found Something Even Better
- 2009.11.16: Woah, They Even Have Videos!
- 2009.11.16: Flight 93 Memorial Links
- 2009.11.16: The Balancing Act: Here’s a Link, There’s a Link, Everywhere’s a Link, Link
- 2009.11.16: Information or News?
- 2009.11.16: The Role of a Newspaper’s Position in Encouraging and Discouraging Bias
- 2009.11.16: We’ll Give You What You Want, But Trap You in a Maze of Interactivity While We’re at It
- 2009.11.16: The Danger of Preconception
- 2009.11.15: How Many Functions of Links Can You List?
- 2009.11.15: Violation of the Brevity Rule
- 2009.11.15: The Three Keys to Effective Video Use
- 2009.11.09: This isn’t TV, There are Repercussions
- 2009.11.09: The Backbone of Investigative Journalism—Contacts
- 2009.11.08: A Growing Appreciation
- 2009.11.07: Reevaluating the “Negative” News Bias
- 2009.11.07: Finally, Someone Admits Objectivity is Impossible!
- 2009.11.02: Anything You Say in this Interview Can and May Be Used Against You
- 2009.10.31: You Better Have an Explanation
- 2009.10.25: Avoiding an Unpleasant Surprise
- 2009.10.24: “Getting It Right”
- 2009.10.21: Checking on the Facts: Fake Swine Flu Alert
- 2009.10.19: High Quality Expectations Start at the Top and Continue at Every Level
- 2009.10.19: The Rough Road to Respect—Admitting One’s Errors
- 2009.10.19: Journey from Blurry Vision to Clear Sight: Localized News Article
- 2009.10.13: Who Are We Writing For?
- 2009.10.11: Be Careful What You Wish For
- 2009.10.09: Portfolio 2: Learning—Not Just from Reading, but from Real-Life Experience
- 2009.10.09: The News Cycle—Growing Up (2nd and 3rd Day Articles)
- 2009.10.07: The Two-Sided Coin of Color
- 2009.10.07: The News Cycle—Starting with the Birth (Breaking News)
- 2009.09.28: Looking at Layouts
- 2009.09.25: When is Vulgarity Acceptable?
- 2009.09.25: The Power of Absence
- 2009.09.25: News Writing, Literature, and Linguistics—All In One!
- 2009.09.21: Zooming Out for a Clearer Perspective
- 2009.09.21: I Spy with my Little Eye
A Story-Telling Structure!
- 2009.09.20: Long Lists of Charges
- 2009.09.20: The Ethics of Crime Reporting
- 2009.09.19: Counteracting Rumors
- 2009.09.19: Giving Addresses, Protecting Names
- 2009.09.18: Portfolio 1: The Breakdown of a Bad Attitude—Seeing the Positive Aspects of News Writing
- 2009.09.18: The Secret to News Writing: Pretend You’re Teaching
- 2009.09.17: Pitches and Theses
- 2009.09.17: Packing Info in a Lead like Sardines in a Can
- 2009.09.17: Prepare Your Pitch, Don’t Just Assume It Will Work
- 2009.09.14: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words and a Quote is Worth a Thousand Lists
- 2009.09.14: How do Reporters Preserve their Perspective?
- 2009.09.13: The Struggle to Structure Short Sentences
- 2009.09.13: A Necessary Characteristic for Journalists: Self-Confidence
- 2009.09.13: Not All “Bus Plunges” Are Filler
- 2009.09.13: A Replenishing “Oasis”—Bus Plunges
- 2009.09.12: This I Must Accept—Rules are Rules for a Reason
- 2009.09.12: Solid Tips to Write Solid News Articles
- 2009.09.10: Using and Abusing One’s Quirks—Avoiding them in Word Choice, Using them in Voice (When Appropriate)
- 2009.09.09: Voicing Concerns About Voice
- 2009.09.09: Oh those Qualifiers, They Get Me Every Time
- 2009.09.05: Infusing Voice into News Writing—Remaining Objective without being Withdrawn
- 2009.09.05: The News and I
- 2009.09.05: TV News is Not for Us
- 2009.09.05: Revelation: “The craft, the art, of storytelling” within News Writing
- 2009.09.05: The Story is in the Details
- 2009.09.02: Capturing the Soul in an Obituary
- 2009.09.02: A Review of What’s Newsworthy
- 2009.09.01: The Power of a Well-Used Quote
- 2009.09.01: Who is this Unnamed “Visitor”?
- 2009.09.01: Isn’t Whether a Word is Subjective or Not, Totally Subjective?
- 2009.08.30: Seeing is Believing, Or Should It Be?
- 2009.08.30: It Could Be a Celebration
or a Riot
or Something
- 2009.08.28: Few Commercials, Little Small Talk, a Good Night for the News
- 2009.08.27: Whether It’s News Writing or Lit Crit, Being a Skeptic is Still the Key
- 2009.08.25: Picture of a smiling man=homicide?
- 2009.08.25: A Good Lead, A Bad Lead, How’s a Journalist to Know?
- 2009.05.05: Being Simple Is Overrated: Welcome to the World of Complexity
- 2009.04.22: The Literary Works of Greenblatt’s “Culture”
- 2009.04.22: The People of Greenblatt’s “Culture”
- 2009.04.22: Defining the Indefinable: The Vocabulary of Greenblatt’s “Culture”
- 2009.04.22: Defining Culture and Its Role in Literature: Stephan Greenblatt’s “Culture”
- 2009.04.20: Literary Criticism Lesson Plan
- 2009.04.20: Summary of Literary Criticism Handout
- 2009.04.20: Assessment of Student Practicum Performance
- 2009.04.20: Pre-Student Teaching Evaluation Form
- 2009.04.20: Cooperating Teacher Evaluation
- 2009.04.20: Student Exit Slip Responses
- 2009.04.20: Self-Reflection on Term Project
- 2009.04.17: Position, Limits, Critiquing
- 2009.04.17: Warnings on Analyzing Literature
- 2009.04.17: The Speaker’s Rhetorical Question Can Be Real for the Reader
- 2009.04.17: Is Everything Political?
- 2009.04.17: Term Project Progress Report
- 2009.04.12: Is Capitalism Really the Reason?
- 2009.04.12: Questions All (Future) Educators Should Ask Themselves
- 2009.04.12: The Pros and the Cons of Feldstein
- 2009.04.11: The Interesting Part—What’s Missing
- 2009.04.11: Good vs. Evil = A Mixture of Both
- 2009.04.11: Do I See a Hint of Author Intent in this Poststructural Essay?
- 2009.04.07: How Far Should We Take Literary Criticism?
- 2009.04.04: Portfolio 2: Discovering Preferences
- 2009.04.01: An Abundance of Holes: Green’s Colin vs. Salinger’s Holden
- 2009.03.30: Term Project Progress Report
- 2009.03.29: The “Truth” of a Literary Term
- 2009.03.29: Why all this Ambiguity and Ambivalence?
- 2009.03.29: Use the Tool that Works Best
- 2009.03.29: Decoding the Differences Between Deconstructionism and Poststructuralism
- 2009.03.21: Deconstructing Without Realizing
- 2009.03.21: The Heart of Post-Structuralism: Aporia
- 2009.03.14: Are You a Replicant?
- 2009.03.11: A Blending of Literary Schools Creates One Convincing Claim
- 2009.03.10: Finding Literary Terms in Phantom of the Opera
- 2009.03.10: A Fall Does Not Make for a Hopeful “Brave New World”
- 2009.03.10: Piecing Frye’s and Keesey’s Articles Together
- 2009.03.10: We Should Be Reading Critically Always, Not Just to Find Sexism
- 2009.03.09: If “Realistic” Fiction Exists, How Can There Be Minor Characters?
- 2009.03.09: Intertextualism: Practice It, Focus It, Adapt It
- 2009.03.09: Persepolis, Reading Lolita in Tehran, and Intertexualism
- 2009.03.01: The Key Difference Between Segismundo and Caliban—An Education
- 2009.03.01: Segismundo’s Religion vs. Basilio’s Astrology
- 2009.02.28: Faulty Assumptions
- 2009.02.28: Alterations are Part of Reality and Don’t Contradict It
- 2009.02.28: From Words to Action
- 2009.02.28: A Hero’s Fate: Chaucer and Calderon
- 2009.02.28: Hyperbole, the Easiest Literary Term Ever!
- 2009.02.26: Portfolio 1: Riding the Roller Coaster of Literary Criticism
- 2009.02.25: Come One, Come All to Our Carnival of “The Dead”
- 2009.02.22: French, Anyone?
- 2009.02.22: Not Just Unreliable, But Pretending to Be Reliable
- 2009.02.21: Contrasts in the Male and Female Present Not Just in Kolodny, But in Literary Terms Too?
- 2009.02.21: Gender is Not the Only Factor
- 2009.02.21: The Best of Both Worlds (Minus Hannah Montana)
- 2009.02.20: If a Poem is Beyond Our Reach, Then How is the Human Mind Any Better?
- 2009.02.20: The House of Mirrors: Finding the Reflection of Pride and Prejudice in Joyce's "The Dead"
- 2009.02.16: Father=Mother=Bird?
- 2009.02.16: “A Tired and Drained Language”
- 2009.02.15: Epanalepsis? A Literary Term that Causes Seizures?
- 2009.02.15: If Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder, then a Beholder is Required
- 2009.02.15: Extending Beyond Normal Realms: The Definition of a Word to a Formalist
- 2009.02.09: Expectancy + No Answer ≠ Pleasure
- 2009.02.08: What Not to Do: Assume the Author Agreed with Popular Opinion
- 2009.02.08: Happily Ever After
or Not
- 2009.02.07: Question: What’s the Point? Answer: Read Watson’s Essay!
- 2009.02.07: There may be no such thing as an “unmediated response,” but there is such a thing as limited preconceptions
- 2009.02.02: Brushing Up on Symbolism
- 2009.02.02: Your Definition of Objectivity Sounds Subjective to Me
- 2009.02.02: The Pattern on the Wallpaper Represented in Words
- 2009.02.02: Misleading, Misinforming, Misguiding: The Flip Side of Literature
- 2009.01.26: What Would a Formalist Do?
- 2009.01.25: Taking the Personality Out of Poetry? I Didn’t Think It Possible
- 2009.01.25: A Blast from the Past: Litotes
- 2009.01.25: Mighty Mutability
- 2008.04.28: Portfolio 3: Do You Believe in Magic?
- 2008.04.28: For Your Reading Pleasure...I Hope
- 2008.04.24: Sometimes We Just Need to Read a Good Children's Book
- 2008.04.23: “Meaning-of-life Garbage”
- 2008.04.23: I May Be Weak, But At Least I'm Not Peter
- 2008.04.23: Just because it's free (verse), does not mean it's easy!
- 2008.04.22: Only the Good Can Be Manipulated
- 2008.04.21: Shakespeare Should Learn How to Count!
- 2008.04.20: Being in charge is risky business
- 2008.04.20: Alliteration is very valuable even Valentine uses it!
- 2008.04.20: Card’s Lesson on Blogging
- 2008.04.20: Redefining Onomatopoeia
- 2008.04.17: Was Emily Dickinson Hyperdemophobic?
- 2008.04.16: The Suspense of Science Fiction
- 2008.04.16: All About the Vulcan Logic
- 2008.04.15: Write in your own style, don't copy!
- 2008.04.14: A Man After Lynne Truss' Heart
- 2008.04.14: Welcoming in the New—a Good Idea, and Saying Goodbye to the Old—Fluff
- 2008.04.10: Searching for new words on, an interesting experience
- 2008.04.09: A Writer’s Toolbox Is Never Complete Without (syn)Tacks!
- 2008.04.08: Out My Window
- 2008.04.08: Sometimes trying hard just screws you up!
- 2008.04.07: It’s not a matter of unpleasantries, it’s more a matter of false assumptions
- 2008.04.07: Ok, ok, I admit it, planning before writing is important!
- 2008.04.03: Portfolio 2: According to Confucius Reflection is Noble—That’s What I’m Doing Here
- 2008.04.03: If we can’t remember learning it, we probably need to relearn it
- 2008.04.03: Extroverts=Exclamation Mark Enthusiasts, Introverts=Exclamation Mark Demurers
- 2008.04.02: Truss, stop blaming everything on the Internet!
- 2008.04.02: Exclamation Mark Phobia
- 2008.04.02: Does punctuation added later skew the original meaning of a work?
- 2008.04.02: Comma Use—A Personal Preference
- 2008.04.02: “Zero Tolerance”
- 2008.04.01: Oxford is the oldest English-speaking university in the world, so who wouldn't want to use its comma?
- 2008.03.30: A Scary Place: A World Without Punctuation
- 2008.03.30: The Roadblock to Creativity
- 2008.03.30: A Language Without the Difficulties of the Apostrophe
- 2008.03.30: Déjà vu from the 9th grade causes the death of a resentment
- 2008.03.25: We are all to blame
- 2008.03.24: “The Displaced Person” Does Some Displacing
- 2008.03.13: How to be simple in a country way...or NOT
- 2008.03.13: Real Life Foils Lead to Literary Ones
- 2008.03.12: Like Mother, Like Daughter
- 2008.03.12: Remember, when you travel to the world of poetry, the rules of prose still apply
- 2008.03.11: A Bad Man Is Hard to Find
- 2008.03.11: Nietzsche is the Misfit
- 2008.03.11: Society's Degradation through the Outcasts' Eyes
- 2008.03.10: Pessimistic Pregnancy
- 2008.03.06: So Little Time!
- 2008.03.06: Knowing How to Steer Students in the Right Direction
- 2008.03.05: Your mission should you decide to accept it is
to write an important speech in one day or less!
- 2008.03.05: The Transfer of Literature Analysis into a Job
- 2008.03.04: A Writer’s Sticky Notes
- 2008.03.04: Hanging On Requires Dedication
- 2008.03.04: Committing Job Suicide by Being Polite
- 2008.03.04: Wishing for the Simply Life
- 2008.03.04: In this best of all possible blogs, everything I type is for the best
- 2008.03.04: “A Chemical Indiscretion”
- 2008.03.02: Mr. Lemire, I Am Earning My Degree
- 2008.03.01: Patting Yourself on the Back
- 2008.03.01: We Are Not Unprepared Teachers!
- 2008.02.28: Abandoning an Angel
- 2008.02.28: Setting the Mood
- 2008.02.27: Searching for God in All the Wrong Places
- 2008.02.27: If This is Colloquial Diction
- 2008.02.27: My Opinion Is Not the Final Say
- 2008.02.27: The Cynical Pig Man Who Carries the Candy Cane of Jesus
- 2008.02.25: Being Led to the Slaughter
- 2008.02.25: Irony: The Double-Edged Sword
- 2008.02.24: Is the Welshman's Accent Fake?
- 2008.02.24: Portfolio 1: Learning the University Mind-Set
- 2008.02.23: King Jealousy Dethroned—But Not Killed
- 2008.02.21: Mermaids Do Not Equal Unfaithful Women
- 2008.02.21: Do I Spy Othello Among Those Merry Wives?
- 2008.02.19: If You’re Going to Be a Rogue, at Least Be Clever
- 2008.02.18: What Girl Wouldn’t Want Loved For Her Personality?
- 2008.02.18: The Story of a Boy with a Brain Tumor
- 2008.02.17: Still So Many Questions Left Unanswered
- 2008.02.16: Standing on Tip Toes
- 2008.02.16: Nostalgia
- 2008.02.13: Loneliness at Dusk
- 2008.02.13: More Than One Right Answer
- 2008.02.12: Does One Lose More Than Innocence With Age?
- 2008.02.12: Understanding of Tragedy Given Through Comedy
- 2008.02.08: Looking Beyond the Feminist Read
- 2008.02.08: Can a Ravishingly Beautiful Girl Beat Cliches?
- 2008.02.07: Keeping Those Words Under Control
- 2008.02.07: Lost Without a Visual
- 2008.02.04: Who Said the Gals Can’t Pull One Over On the Guys?
- 2008.02.04: Going South, the Double Whammy
- 2008.02.03: "Do not judge so that you will not be judged" (Matthew 7:1).
- 2008.02.03: The All Encompassing Story
- 2008.02.02: The Jane Austen Factor
- 2008.02.02: Hidden Gems
- 2008.01.27: Seton Hill University Academic Weblog
Recent Comments
revitol stretch mark cream on The Heart of Post-Structuralism: Aporia: I love literature.Its my area
Andrew Wichrowski on The Danger of Preconception : I comment on your blog in my b
Angela Palumbo on “With great power, comes great responsibility”: Greta, I'm proud of
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Aja Hannah on “With great power, comes great responsibility”: Wasn't Peter Parker also a jou
Wendy Scott on “With great power, comes great responsibility”: Gretta great connection! I agr
April Minerd on “With great power, comes great responsibility”: Great connection, Greta! My s
Matt Henderson on “With great power, comes great responsibility”: I agree that news organization
Aja Hannah on The Three Keys to Effective Video Use : With the videos, it seems "Vow