March 15, 2005

Street car named Blanche

Let me just start out by saying that I am still a little confused on the matter of whether or not Balnce did sleep around at the hotel she stayed at before coming to stay with her sister. At first Stanley said she did and then Blanche said that she didn't and then Stanley said she did and then Blanche said that she did. However, when Blanche said that she did sleep around I was not sure if it was a scarcastic confession to Stanley. So I am going with the theory that she did sleep around.

Blanche had me disgusted with her and then feeling sorry for her and then liking her and then I felt she got what she deserved.

I was disusted with Blanche at the begining when she shows up and totally trashes her sister when she had nothing to call her own. Its kinda like the pot callin the kettle black. She had nothing, she lost her home, her job and she had no family to speak of except for the sister who graciously opened her home for Blanche.

Then I felt a little sorry for her seeing that she had so much gone wrong in her life and she could have not prevented any of it.

Then Blanche started to turn over a new leaf. She began to grow with Mitch. It seemed for once that she had feelings for someone other than herself. She was caring towards her sister however I do believe that she would have stayed prissy had Stella not been pregnant.

Now I do not believe that any person deserves nor should have to go through what Blanche did with Stanley BUT when she was takin away at the end of the story I did not feel sorry for her. First of all she did not even see that Mitch was there to recieve an explanation and not to give one. Even after Mitch had told her that he knew of her past. At that point she should have realized that skipping an invite to dinner was nothing compared to what she had done. It reminds me of the young woman in Machinal, if she knew what she was getting herself into then I have no sympathy just as Blanche could not be upset that her past gave her a bad reputation, she should have thought about that before she did the things she did.

Just because she had things go wrong in her life does not mean that she has an excuse to behave in the manner in which she did. Two wrongs do not make a right!!!!

So Ladies and gentlemen of the Jury.....

Guilty- she got what she deserved

Not Guilty- she is the victim

Posted by HollyWaite at March 15, 2005 10:31 PM | TrackBack

Good Theory, I also am going to put a check in that column! I believe that she does know about the Hotel Flamingo, and more than just by the ‘odor of cheap perfume (which) is penetrating’ In fact, I think that that line she gave Stanley was a “cover up line”: She also in a latter act makes another what I would consider a slip up.
I too was a little upset with Blanche for treating Stella the way she did. Studying people, in different dynamics will tell you that in order for a person to make themselves feel better someone else has to fall. NOT fair, I know… But she was feeling bad about her recent failures, and needed someone to victimize I guess you could call it.
So my vote: A little of Both... She deserved to be asked to leave, however commiting her to a hospital I think was a little too harsh. She is Definitely guilty (of interfering with her sister and Stanley’s life)

Posted by: Kristen Zappalla at March 16, 2005 11:23 AM

i am angery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: victoeria at February 18, 2006 08:56 PM
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