March 29, 2005

You're Too ugly

I Loved this story. I enjoy stories with this sort of sarcastic humor. I was waiting for the title of the story to show up in Zoe and Earl's conversation at first as humor but then maybe as a rude coment. However, all though it was not directly stated I think that this was how Zoe saw herself.

Posted by HollyWaite at March 29, 2005 10:27 PM | TrackBack

Well, I also liked the sarcasm in the story just because I can get pretty sarcastic sometimes... mostly when I'm angry, but sometimes just for fun. The line from her reminisced trip to the vet with her dog gets me everytime, "Your dog has worms, or cancer, otherwise it was hit with a car." Holy cow, how can these people call themselves professionals?! It's so similar to Zoe's situation at her doctor's office with her "lump" that they're trying to identify that the sarcasm is almost morbidly funny. Why do you think that the sarcasm was Zoe's vice?

Posted by: Karissa at March 30, 2005 10:46 PM

I think that she used sarcasm because if something wasn't funny then it just wasn't funny where as if she were to say something that showed that she had very little intelligence then it would make her look bad rather than just look like she made a bad joke. She just used it as a scapegoat finding that this was the easiest thing to do. I guess it could also be looked at from the point of view that she just felt that she was better than most and she need not to waste her time.

Posted by: Holly at March 31, 2005 12:24 PM

I'm all about some sarcasm myself... ahh yeah. Maybe sarcasm was just Zoe's way of trying to survive? I mean, life isn't all that funny so you gotta do what you can... I liked the part at the beginning where her students tell her she's sarcastic whereas she thought she was being ironic but realizes that they are the experts in sarcasm not she. haha. ;c)

Posted by: moira at March 31, 2005 12:30 PM
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