After reading this poem for the first time I was not understanding it at all but after speaking with a friend I had formed some meaning and actually quite enjoyed it. I was seeing this poem as a man speaking of the love he had, the love he lost and the love he wants. I had seen it as the man speaking of the many loves that he had and now has no one and is just dealing with the fact that he is aging and would probably have no one. In the class descusion it was said that he was speaking of one particular women wiht whom he longed for her love and perhaps was contemplating marriage. I am still a little confused on how this is only one women who is speaking of.
Ok I am not afraid to say that I was very lost through most of this book but in most cases after reading a little each time it made sense. I did not, however, like the style of writing at all. I am not sure the point of it. Maybe if I knew some sort of reasoning behind it then I wouldn't be so skeptical. For instance on page 30 the young women's dialogue bothered me the most. I read and read and reread and then reread it a few more times trying to make sense of it but i just couldn't. But maybe I it was not suppose to make sense...
In my last blog that was directed towards the first six chapters of the book was basically me stating that I thought of Gatsby as a very weak man.
As I began to read on in the book I feel that Gatsby was beigning to turn over a new leaf. He started to defend himself on the subject of his relationship with Daisy. Standing up to Tom as if he was a strong curageous man. He was speaking as if there would be no consequences for his actions.
However, when the incident happened with the car hitting Myrtle he once again was the coward that he had always been. If he had only stopped would he have been in trouble with the law? After all it was an accident. Although, I do not feel that he would have escaped the wrath of Mr. Wilson.
When i began reading this book I had very high expectations for a man that Fitzgerald would title as "great". Although, I find that gatsby is a very cowardly man.
When nick moves into the house next door to Gatsby it is almost as though nick sees himself below this man. Nick's little shack of a house could never compete with Gatsby's mansion. He is awstruck when one of Gatsby's staff delivers him an invitation to one of his extravagant parties. Nick soon finds out that it is not Gatsby that is the center of attention at the parties but rather Gatsby's money. Alhtough Gatsby is a wealthy man he is surely not a strong man. He is not very often seen at his own parties because he often falls into the backdrop. As though those that do attend his parties are there simply for a meeting place for the others who attend.
Gatsby has some serious self esteem issues. Not only can he not ask the women(Daisy) who he is apparently still in Love with to have lunch with him but he had to use Jordan as a messanger to get nick to have an arranged lunch with Daisy so he could see her.
The most shocking of the story to me was that even though Bernice's aunt was distraught over her bobbing her hair, she certainly overlooked the lifestyle of her own daughter. Because, by the older generation, bobbing of the hair was an "abomination", her daughter being called on by numerous men at a time seemed to be accepted.
I enjoyed how even though Zero did not believe in an afterlife or that one existed, he was not afriad to die. He was also not afraid to be reincarnated but rather he was angry to find out of his previous overworked lives.
I feel that by Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale not speaking on what they have concluded that they then feel that Mrs. Wright was justified in her doings. However, I am also seeing the situation as the two women not speaking on the matter simply because of the men's attitudes towards them. The men made it clear, that although women are important, there is no room for their opinion in legal matters. The women felt that even though the evidence was there the men would still not have believed in its validity simply because it was coming form a womens mouth.