Introduction to Weblogs -- Jerz: EL150 (Intro to Literary Study)
"Maybe it's no surprise, given how empowering it can be to have one's own thoughts transported instantly across the globe. But once there, they become fodder for anyone who is inclined to turn an author's words against him."
I've never been one for blogging. I always thought it was weird having my personal thoughts out there for everybody to see. But after reading the article I can see how appealing it is to have people viewing your blog and giving feedback on your writing. As well as all the good blogs can do if someone was writing about an important issue going on in the world. However their are some bad factors about the whole blogging thing such as people tearing your worka apart, judging, and critizing you which I have to admit is not something I'm looking forward to.
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Fitzgerald, ''Bernice Bobs Her Hair'' (online) -- Jerz: EL150 (Intro to Literary Study)
"At eighteen our convictions are hills from which we look; at forty-five they are caves in which we hide. "
This quote struck me when I read it, and I'm not really sure why maybe because it sounded deeply profound. But the more I read it and looked at it I begin to see it differently or understand it differently. When I think of myself and other young people today I think its harder to stand by our convictions because were so concerned with what other people think and how others are going to view us. I do beleive that as you get older that it begins to matter less what people think of you and more of what you think of yourself.
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Foster (1-3, 5) -- Jerz: EL150 (Intro to Literary Study)
So vampirism isn't about vampires?
When I read Fosters chapter on vampires I was surprised to find out that my favorite blood sucking creatures had a greater purpose in life other then drinking blood, and living for all eternity. I like reading stories involving vampires particularly ones in which they fall in love, but I found it quite interesting the symbolism behind vampires. The whole bit in which he explains best as "an older figure representing corrupt, outworn values;a young, preferably virginal female; a stripping away of her youth....;a continuance of life in the old man;the death or destruction of the young woman." It just becomes fascinating when put that way.But why is it that we only mourn the loss of youth and innocence?? and why is it not about bringing as much "life" as possible back to someone whose lost all hope?
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