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I'm going to Drink your blood

Foster (1-3, 5) -- Jerz: EL150 (Intro to Literary Study)

So vampirism isn't about vampires?

When I read Fosters chapter on vampires I was surprised to find out that my favorite blood sucking creatures had a greater purpose in life other then drinking blood, and living for all eternity. I like reading stories involving vampires particularly ones in which they fall in love, but I found it quite interesting the symbolism behind vampires. The whole bit in which he explains best as "an older figure representing corrupt, outworn values;a young, preferably virginal female; a stripping away of her youth....;a continuance of life in the old man;the death or destruction of the young woman." It just becomes fascinating when put that way.But why is it that we only mourn the loss of youth and innocence?? and why is it not about bringing as much "life" as possible back to someone whose lost all hope?

When I read Fosters chapter on vampires I was surprised to find out that my favorite blood sucking creatures had a greater purpose in life other then drinking blood, and living for all eternity. I like reading stories envolving vampires and what not particularly ones in which they fall in love, but I found it quite interesting the symbolism behind vampires. The whole bit in which he explains best as "an older figure representing corrupt, outworn values;a young, preferably virginal female; a stripping away of her youth....;a continuance of life in the old man;the death or destruction of the young woman." It just becomes fascinating when put that way.But why is it that we only mourn the loss of youth and innocence?? and why is it not about bringing as much "life" as possible back to someone whose lost all hope?


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