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Isn't it Ironic

Reflection Paper -- Jerz: EL150 (Intro to Literary Study)

While reading the play Trifles everything seemed pretty straight forward to me. A woman was abused, she finally snaps,and kills her husband. Their was no real hidden mystery for me even when the canary was found, it just added more of a motive for what Mrs. Wright did. But what did go over my head was the irony that was in the play. I didn’t become aware of it until I read Chera Pupi’s blog and she pointed out the irony in which Mrs.Hale says “knot it” which was significant of the quilt as well as the knot around Mr. Wright’s neck. And the fact that the woman had banded together and decided they were not going to tell these men what they think happened. I enjoyed the play more after I read Chera’s blog. I noticed the cleverness Susan Glaspell used as she conveyed that women are just as intelligent as men, maybe even more so because they were able see things that the men couldn't.


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