Lemire (skim Ch 2-7) -- Jerz: EL150 (Intro to Literary Study)
Reflection Paper: Chapter 3
Graduate school has never entered my mind. I always thought what’s the point of doing four years of college just to have go back and do another four years, possibly even more. After reading Margaret Jones’s blog in which she discussed how she wanted to attend graduate school solely because she knew she would get paid more by doing so. I began to see the definite advantages of graduate school. Not only is it a good decision because of the degree, and the higher education, but also the opportunities awarded you for a better job and even a better salary. Now Margaret at the end of her blog decided graduate school wouldn’t be worth the hassle especially if she has a family to think about. I however see the benefit of graduate school, and how it would not only benefit me, but also any family or personal relationship I might have.
Margaret’s Blog: http://blogs.setonhill.edu/MargaretJones/2007/02/changing_my_mind.html