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Reflection Ch. 5

Lemire (skim Ch 2-7) -- Jerz: EL150 (Intro to Literary Study)

Reflection Paper: Chapter 5

When I read Jenna Miller’s blog entitled “Hamsters or The New Yorker” it made me think more about the magazine industry. In my own blog I talked about possibly writing for a magazine because it seemed to contain all the positive aspects I was looking for when it came to being a journalist. However, I leaned more towards consumer magazines because they are better known, and just seemed much more glamorous. After reading Jenna’s blog I can see the appeal of a trade magazine because they do pertain to your “passions and interests”, but unlike Jenna who knows she wants to write about animals, I don’t necessarily know what my passion is.
Jenna’s link is: http://blogs.setonhill.edu/JennaMiller/2007/02/hamsters_or_the_new_yorker.html


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