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The difference between Now and then

Fitzgerald, ''Bernice Bobs Her Hair'' (online) -- Jerz: EL150 (Intro to Literary Study)

"At eighteen our convictions are hills from which we look; at forty-five they are caves in which we hide. "

This quote struck me when I read it, and I'm not really sure why maybe because it sounded deeply profound. But the more I read it and looked at it I begin to see it differently or understand it differently. When I think of myself and other young people today I think its harder to stand by our convictions because were so concerned with what other people think and how others are going to view us. I do beleive that as you get older that it begins to matter less what people think of you and more of what you think of yourself.

This quote struck me when I read it, and I'm not really sure why maybe because it sounded deeply profound. But the more I read it and looked at it I begin to see it differently or understand it differently. When I think of myself and other young people today I think its harder to stand by our convictions because were so concerned with what other people think and how others are going to view us. I do beleive that as you get older that it begins to matter less what people think of you and more of what you think of yourself.


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