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The February 2007 Issue

Lemire (skim Ch 2-7) -- Jerz: EL150 (Intro to Literary Study)

"Magazines are sexy: they're colorful, they're glossy, and they can seem either more intellectually stimulating and more plain fun than a newspaper."

When I thought about becoming a journalist I thought of writing for a newspaper or becoming a news anchor, but I never considered writing for a magazine. I don't know why ? They basically consist of everything I want. They're global and reach everyone. They can pertain to a certain area of interest .All in all magazine writing seems perfect. Now whether or not I can or will actually do it is a different story.


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Comments (1)

Yeah, I know what you mean. It is hard to know exactly what you want to do. No matter what you decide on now, by the time you graduate you may have a completely different idea of what you want to do. It is a good idea to keep your mind open (as you've done here) to all the different possibilities. In the long run, I guess that that will make things easier.

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