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The Poor Make Me Rich

Anonymous, ''Everyman'' -- Jerz: EL150 (Intro to Literary Study)

"My condition is man's soul to kill; If I save one, a thousand I do spill;"

This quote I found interesting I'm not sure why I just did. Here Goods speaks of stealing or killing a man's soul. Which I guess shows how money can corrupt people, or that it tends to do that to some. I also found it interesting that to "save" one or make one man rich I must "spill" thousands of others or many others must be poor. It just makes you think about how many people are poor because Donald Trump is a millionaire or does ones wealth even affect others?


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I highlighted this quote when I was reading because I thought it was interesting too. I think your insight on Donald Trump is valid according to "Everyman." Through this statement, Goods adds a twinge of guilt to prosperity. Goods creates a Catch-22 in the sense that the goal of almost every individual is to prosper; however, once he achieves this prosperity, he suffers through sentiments of guilt, feeling for all those who have not as he has.

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