Shakespeare, King Lear Acts 3-5 -- Jerz: EL150 (Intro to Literary Study)
" The weight of this sad time we must obey, Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say. The oldest hath borne most; we that our young shall never see so much, nor live so long.
(Act V, sc iii)
I think this is a very wise mantra to live by. Don't tell people what you think they want to har, or what you think is the right or proper thing to say, rather tell them what you personally thiknm and feel, becaause who knows when you'll get the chance to talk to them again. I also found it funny how enlightenment always occurs at the end after numerous people have died becuase they reached this realization to late ex. Lear and Gloster. I also liked the last half of the quote which states we as young adults, we can never fully have the knowledge of our elders, we'll never live through what they have lived through, which means we owe them that respect.
Comments (1)
This is very true. A lot of Shakespeare's plays have underlying messages or morals that the reader doesn't discover, but can guess at, until the end when all the characters have learned their lessons, some too late.
Posted by Bethany Bouchard | April 16, 2007 4:06 PM
Posted on April 16, 2007 16:06