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To Name or Not to Name

" Rape victims are less likely to report the crime if they know their names will be published or broadcast. Rape is already the most underreported violent crime in the country." Kelly McBride

When I read this quote/ statistic I was disheartened. I believe that the name of the victim should be published, but only if given explicit permissiom by the person. Rape crimes to me, should be one of the most reported crimes, for the simple fact that society needs to know about such things, they need to be aware how serious an issue this is, and that its one that won't be taken lightly (not trying to say that it is, but that quote is saying something). What kind of world are we living in, when people who have been victimized are afraid to seek help because they fear ridicule, and a lack of support from their own countrypeople. If rape is reported in a way that stresses the consequences and unacceptability of it, but can still be sensitive to the needs of the victim, perhaps people will be more willing to come forth.

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I don't think it's right that any rape victim's name should be reported- it just isn't important to the story. The fact is that someone is out there committing rape and that is the person who needs their name broadcast all over the news and publications. I don't know how I would feel, as a reporter, if I was asked to include the victim's name in my article.

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