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Happy Birthday Mrs. President....

I have to say I was certainly surprised, when our very own president walked into class on Wed. Probably because minutes before a few classmates and myself were having one of those "imagine she came in" conversations, and she actually did. I was nervous at first, and I think we all were if the akwardness of the first few minutes was any indication. I spent most of that time turning questions around in my head, testing which ones sounded legit and smart. I did get one good question in, and I'm quite proud of myself for that. However, I was cut off by a couple of people,whenever I would go to raise my hand, which I'm not mad about. I thought it was a good learning expierence because in a real situation their will be cut-throat reporters trying to get there quote and I'm going to have to step it up if I wanna play the game.


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Comments (2)

You bet, Jara. I'm proud of the class, since nobody asked the kind of questions that are already somewhere on the website.

Lou Gagliardi:

Don't think, just ask. Trust me, that's how you get your questions asked.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 26, 2007 12:44 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Blogging Portfolio Deux (that's French for two).

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