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news organizations don’t have to earn the right to exercise their free-press rights. For better or worse, these are constitutional rights without constitutional responsibilities. (pp 71)

Best Practices for me disscussed the morality issues or better yet, how to remain objective and open in the newswriting world. So the quote to me reminds us of the oppurtunity we have been given as reporters to get the stories out there, and uncover the hidden truths. But it also means we have an obligation to the public to do it in a manner thats as fair and justly(don't know if thats even a word) as possible.

So what does that mean for a free press exploring exploring the concept of a fair press? (pp 72)

Best Practices also reminds us, that we're not quite there yet. The newswriting world is far from perfect, and we are still working to find the best methods of running a fair press. One where people know they can rely on without wondering if this is someone trying to influence me or force their opinion on me.


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