"In framing a story, reporters and their assigning editors must be sure they have not concluded too soon about the nature of the story or its likely outcome." (pp.60)
This quote was of particular interest to me because it talked about the dangers of making assumptions, when it comes to writing an article. I always thought a repoter had to know where they wanted to go with their story, so that they were able to get the right interviews and ask all the right questions. But if we pre-determine our stories, won't we interview people we know will help prove our point or only ask the questions that will give us the answers that make us seem right. If we go about doing that, then we're not telling the whole truth or all sides of a story, and that would make us bias. In this section of Best Practices, it talks about asking questions about articles as a whole, before we file them down to one specific part. It asks us to view stories from as many different perspectives as we can, so that we may find the best way to report it. I think that's great advice, but I also think its that easy. It seems that no matter how hard we try, our own personal view will wind up in a story. Simply because I most likely will tell the same story in a way different from someone else, and that could be based on my background and other factors. So how are we supposed to fix that?