It seems as a budding journalist, I’m going to be faced with many hurdles. There are many decisions I have to make on what kind of reporter I’m going to be or if I’m going to be one at all. From reading IANS chapters 7 and 8, and from Jackie John’s blog Those crazy tree huggin' activist the question has now become do I want to be the one holding the protest signs or writing about them. I am not going to lie, I did have this idea in the back of my head of traveling the world and telling all the unknown stories about all the injustices people are facing in the world. I thought that I could give a “voice to the voiceless” so to speak. But by doing that am I a journalist or an activist? Is it possible to remain unaffected when faced with things such as extreme poverty, genocide, war, and illness? Jackie mentioned that activist were being unjustly blamed for “perpetuating fear in the media”, when in fact activist are the people trying to help. I don’t think it’s fear that they are trying to cause, so much as it is awareness. Jackie also speaks of how a journalist is to remain unbiased and objective, which is absolutely true, but where is that line? After all journalist are still human, and still conflicted with human emotions.