March 15, 2006

Concept of Central Idea

The central idea of a story for me usually should be placed in the beginning, then should be supported. I know that there are ideas that discuss building up to the main idea in Roberts, but I still personally believe that the most important idea should be discussed first and foremost. Then, supporting ideas, and textual evidence should be provided later to back up the main claim, or central idea. While some may think that building up all the way to the 5th or 6th paragraph is effective, I personally disagree when it comes to an essay. The only way I find that to be effective is if I am writing a piece of fiction. Building up to the main idea is really important there. But not with an essay.

Posted by The Gentle Giant at March 15, 2006 11:55 PM

I disagree; I think that some main concepts and ideas simply cannot be introduced well in one or two paragraphs. Sometimes, a writer must provide a lot of background information in order for the point to make sense and flow well with the rest of the essay.

Posted by: ChrisU at March 16, 2006 01:10 AM

I disagree...A central idea can be displayed in one to two paragraphs, and then be followed by a supporting evidence. People have doing essays that way for years, and I still think that they are the most effective.

Posted by: Jason Pugh at March 16, 2006 09:26 AM
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