"'The day is going to come," Mr. Head prophesied, "when you'll find you ain't as smart as you think you are." (O Connor 100).
It seems like Mr. Head is full of himself and no one else, very selfless and selfish. He is a careless individual who shouldn't not be in charge of another life. He is a very realistic character, and he surely is a character that fit the description in the 1940's and 1950's. He's an arrogant man, who has no real respect for anyone else. Although many were offended with the term "Nigger," as they should be, they need to understand that is was normal to call anyone "niggers" in front of anyone, no matter what the age. It's such a shame to read in this society, but think about how blacks were treated 50 years before O'Connor's time period. I don't think that Mr. Head is capable to being a good person, and I think that the boy catches on to this after they get lost. I wouldn't have been surprised if Mr. Head just completely left Nelson by himself, even though he kind of did. It wasn't as bad as let's say Mr. Shiftlet abandoning Lucynell, but he is still an awful individual.
Posted by The Gentle Giant at March 29, 2006 03:46 PM