March 29, 2006

A Circle in the Fire

Mrs. Cope was bent over, diffing fiercely at the nut grass again. "We have a lot to be thankful for," she said. "Everyday you should say a prayer of thanksgiving. (O Connor 130).

I am a little skeptical to believe that Mrs. Cope is actually a genuinely optimistic person. She's witty, she's thankful for everything that she has, and she possesses a positive vibe that absolutely drives Mrs. Pritchard up a wall. After a while, we see that Mrs. Cope becomes more full of herself, because she knows that she is a good person, and lets everyone else know about it. She comes off as such a happy and strong individual, but there is something that comes off that makes me believe that she is very arrogant underneath it all. She seems to have a shorter temper, but overall she seems to be the most thankful person of all the characters in all of the stories.

Posted by The Gentle Giant at March 29, 2006 04:16 PM
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