March 29, 2006

A Late Encounter with the Enemy

"She came in her academic gown to the hotel and dressed the old man in his uniform. He was as frail as a dried spider. 'Aren't you just thrilled, Papa?' she asked. 'I'm just thrilled to death!'" (O Connor 161).

This is necessary as reality can be enough to push the mind to create a false world that we all live in together. Throughout the lives of “General” George Sash and his granddaughter Sally it is obvious from the beginning that neither of these two characters has a firm grip on what reality is. The changes Sally is having to deal with are the slow death of her grandfather and the fact that she is sixty-two and just graduating from college. She is really trying to grasp the life that she once had at the age of sixteen, and she is having a lot of difficulty with that. She seems to want her grandfather to be there, so that someone will be proud of her, and recognize her accomplishments. Sometimes things don't exactly work about the way you want Sally. That's realism according to Flannery O' Connor.

Posted by The Gentle Giant at March 29, 2006 04:24 PM
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