May 03, 2006

The Displaced Person

Instead of writing a paper on the historical and religious style of writing the Flannery O' Connor uses, I could have written about how the people with disabilities, or African Americans in her stories are viewed either as stupid or evil. In the middle of "The Displaced Person. I know that there is a history to which blacks were not respected, which is why Mrs. Shortley shocks me. She is really a character that is quite admirable. She says on page 214, "When the time comes...I'll stand up for the niggers and that's that. I ain't going to see that priest drive out all the niggers." What is actually quite comical, is that we a good-hearted character progress through one of Flannery O' Connor's stories, and she dies. It just goes to show that just when you think you can understand Flannery O' Connor's writings, she does something completely different to throw you off of your mark. Thanks Flannery, and thank you Father Time for allowing us to walk away from this set of short stories.

Posted by The Gentle Giant at May 3, 2006 04:44 PM
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