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May 03, 2006

behind the scenes

Resurrection Blues Study Guide (online) -- Jerz: American Lit II (EL 267)

"While the audience sees Jeanine's body falling in a very slow, lyrical motion, the shadows focus on the more abstract emotional terror of the fall. The shadows of her terror and of the clouds racing by give a counter-rhythm to the scene of the body slowly descending through space."
From Notes from the Shadow Image Consultant

Although this is obviously not stage direction from the script, it seems like such an opening scene would be powerful and an excellent way to begin the play. I enjoyed reading the interpretations from all the different designers and behind the scenes people. I had no idea how much thought went into the details of producing a play.

Posted by JenniferDiFulvio at May 3, 2006 07:19 PM


Yeah, it's cool how a playwright with a certain picture of the events in his mind can reach some sort of agreement with various designers and other participants who each have their own interpretations of the work--perhaps even coming up with interpretations that impress even Miller himself. I've heard of such a phenomenon before, but not with respect to this play, in particular.

Posted by: ChrisU at May 3, 2006 09:55 PM

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