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Eye Catcher

It seems that even though newspapers need to contain a lot of information in as little space as possible, it is not wise to cram a ton of information on the front page. One main thing that all of the top ten front pages have in common is that they don't contain much text. Photos take up most of the space. I guess the reason for this is that they are more eye catching. Someone is more likely to pick up a paper that appears to be full of pictures than a paper that appears text heavy as it is more pleasing to the eye.

Other Thoughts on Front Page Comparisons

Comments (3)

Derek Tickle:

Nicely put! I think that if a newspaper has a lot of information on the front page, then it could make some readers think that it is too crammed together. I noticed the text vs. picture volume to be very different also. I am usually not used to seeing more pictures than text, but society seems to be evolving towards a more visual learning style then the traditional aesthetic style. Good Job!

Josie Rush:

You're right. It's a little strange that the need to conserve space does not extend to the front page. Though, i suppose if it was a very busy news day, the paper may have to cram things on a little more...I don't think this is an area that where there'd be many sacrifices made. The front page needs to look good no matter what, and text, let's face it, is intimidating for most people.

Aja Hannah:

If you've checked the front page now, it has changed because of the tsunami. A lot of the front pages are mostly text now with smaller pictures. Typically, front page is to catch attention and has the best, most urgent, leading stories. Maybe the other day was just a slow news day so they played up their papers with pics.

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