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Article Spacing

When looking at The Cavalier Daily website, I liked how each of the articles referenced on each of the pages were more prominent. Between the way they were spaced and the size of the font, it didn't really seem like any of the articles were overshadowed. It was also interesting that they offer PDF downloads of their newspaper. I guess this would be for anyone who would rather read the articles in paper format rather than online but don't have access to the print version, maybe.
The only thing I wasn't sure that I liked was that all of the pictures they had on the homepage were in a row on the top rather than spread out.

Other Thoughts On Cavalier Daily

Comments (1)

I agree that the Cavalier had good spacing; there were only a few top stories, and this made them easier to pick from, unlike the busier Crimson web page. Part of me really likes the straightforward design of this website, and part of me wishes they had gotten a little bit more creative. Seeing the pictures all in a row at the top like that can be an effective approach, unless the reader doesn't find anything interesting about any of the pictures they're featuring at that moment. The same goes for the amount of top stories; if you're not really interested in any of the three featured, you're out of luck. I think there could probably be a bit more variety in the website overall; the ideal is to find a happy medium between the busy-ness of the Crimson website and the more spaced out look of the Cavalier.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 19, 2009 2:28 PM.

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