Afflicted with the Frost

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**Hey all.  Last year in Introduction to Literature, we were asked to parody Frost's Aquainted with the Night.  Since we're on to Frost again, I thought I'd post this.  (I'm actually a Robert Frost fan, this was just written after a particularly Frost-heavy week)

Afflicted with the Frost -Josie Rush

I have been one afflicted with the Frost,
I have read over poems and under poems,
I have felt the cause was lost.
I have received assignments with a groan,
I have copied verses with a sigh,
Since I must revisit the Less Traveled Road.
I have Stopped by the Woods to cry
I have prayed to gain endurance with age,
Since I'll be reading Frost until I die.
I have dried my tears on a well-worn page
While I watched the Woods fill up with snow,
Forever trapped in Bobby's cage,
Knowing I still have miles to go.
Knowing I still have miles to go.


Aja Hannah said:

I remember this! Very funny! But you already used it for Lit so you can't use it for Poetry.

Dianna Griffin said:

Josie, I remember you reading this in class! Dr. Arnzen loved it hahahaha, and mine was absolutely terrible. However, this is such a good way to set off a Frost unit. Thanks for the laughs :).

Brooke Kuehn said:

Josie! I love this poem so much. I laughed just as hard this time reading it as i did when i first heard it in Dr. Arnzen's class. Very creative

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Brooke Kuehn on Afflicted with the Frost: Josie! I love this poem so muc
Dianna Griffin on Afflicted with the Frost: Josie, I remember you reading
Aja Hannah on Afflicted with the Frost: I remember this! Very funny! B