Lois Lane Minus Superman...and Intrigue

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"Investigative journalism is finding, reporting and presenting news which other people try to hide. It is very similar to standard news reporting, except that the people at the centre of the story will usually not help you and may even try to stop you doing your job."

Ah, yes.  The joys of investigative reporting.  Actually, this is kind of a perverse fact, because in certain ways, it takes away some fun of journalism, but in others, it adds more fun to the process.  Allow me to explain.

One of the things I really enjoyed about our previous articles was that my sources, especially the "experts" on my topic, were willing to provide quotes and very helpful.  It's a win-win situation if you're talking to the right people, because you want accurate information from someone not afraid to talk into a tape recorder, and your they want a chance to share their knowledge concerning a topic they're passionate about.  Teamwork is a beautiful thing.

Now enters the big brother of all types of journalism.  Investigative journalism is the kind of writing most people initially think of when they imagine journalism.  Sneaking into a cult and somehow avoiding the Kool-Aid; buddying up to a crooked businessman who is ripping off the workers of America; or tiptoeing through a factory to find out what really goes into hotdogs: Investigative reporting just seems exciting.  Of course, now that we're attempting to write our own investigative reports, we know it's not all capers and fake names.  However one thing stays the same: We may have to work a little harder to find sources.

It would be nice, but unlikely for someone to walk up to one of us and say, "Why, yes, I have been skimming off the top of the tuition funds at SHU, and I'd really like you to write an article about it."  Ergo, the investigation.  Also the need to really, really make sure you can back up the quotes you do manage to get.  People are more likely to lie about this than SHU's homecoming, so this, my fellow investigative reporters, is a call for dilligence. 

Good luck all, and don't forget your pseudonyms.


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