Babie's ----> Baby's
"The vast majority of concerned misplaced apostrophes" (Truss 49).
I have seen SO MANY people misplace apostrophes in situations where it was obviously wrong. I remember in high school, I watched as one of my classmates wrote on a chalk board "[The name of the teacher] eats BABIE'S." WRONG. The classmate nudged his friend beside him, and pointed to what he wrote. The friend shook his head and erased the "ie" and changed it "y", so it read "BABY'S." STILL wrong. It bothers me when people mess up basic grammar.
I have seen SO MANY people misplace apostrophes in situations where it was obviously wrong. I remember in high school, I watched as one of my classmates wrote on a chalk board "[The name of the teacher] eats BABIE'S." WRONG. The classmate nudged his friend beside him, and pointed to what he wrote. The friend shook his head and erased the "ie" and changed it "y", so it read "BABY'S." STILL wrong. It bothers me when people mess up basic grammar.
Those kinds of errors drive me crazy. I too am bothered by incorect grammar. The biggest issue I have is when people use the wrong form of there, to, its, and your. It's not that difficult to understand.
This mistakes happen to me sometimes, but I'm working on it.
It bothers me too, and it is hard to fathom why they think they are right. I mean I am sure no one has ever told them that to make something plural you add an apostrophe…yet for some reason they feel the need to do so. I guess they just don’t know what to do, so they decide to be safe they’ll throw an apostrophe in. But it certainly is annoying.