Following Breaking News 2
I checked on the news stories I chose to follow yesterday and nothing has happened since then. However, I did find part of one of the stories which could have happened earlier.
Mother Kidnapped After Dropping Off Child At Daycare : This is actually a video clip reporting the news that a mother was kidnapped after dropping her child off. This story sets the foundation for what's to come.
The article Man Sought In Fayette Mother's Kidnapping, Rape seems to be an article version of the video. However, the headlines of the two differ. The first describes the incident, while the second describes the continuing news and what the status is as of now.
This story has potential to continue.
The other story I chose to follow (3 Hospitalized in Penn Hills Crash Overnight) has not had any updates. Since it mentioned unidentified victims of a car accident, to which the cause is unknown, I thought maybe they would run a news story to reveal names, the cause, and provide updates on the victims' conditions. It could also remain as it is, a car accident story to fill space but not be important enough to continue.
Day 1 of tracking news
Day 3 of tracking news
More news cycle stories
Mother Kidnapped After Dropping Off Child At Daycare : This is actually a video clip reporting the news that a mother was kidnapped after dropping her child off. This story sets the foundation for what's to come.
The article Man Sought In Fayette Mother's Kidnapping, Rape seems to be an article version of the video. However, the headlines of the two differ. The first describes the incident, while the second describes the continuing news and what the status is as of now.
This story has potential to continue.
The other story I chose to follow (3 Hospitalized in Penn Hills Crash Overnight) has not had any updates. Since it mentioned unidentified victims of a car accident, to which the cause is unknown, I thought maybe they would run a news story to reveal names, the cause, and provide updates on the victims' conditions. It could also remain as it is, a car accident story to fill space but not be important enough to continue.
Day 1 of tracking news
Day 3 of tracking news
More news cycle stories
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